Vitamins, Minerals, and Other Supplements That Eliminate Acne

Many supplements exist that will help speed up the success of your acne treatment. It is well known that taking certain vitamins, minerals, or other types of supplements will help to eliminate skin disorders. We are listing some of the most effective ones to use when fighting acne. Vitamins 50,000 IU of water-soluble Vitamin A […]

Vitamins For Sleep – Vitamins B6 Can Relieve Insomnia and Night Cramps

Sleep is a process that rejuvenates and refreshes us. But for many people who suffer from insomnia, depression and other mood disorders falling asleep does not come easy. Night cramps and other neurological disorders can also make it hard to get the rest we need. One of the most common causes of insomnia is a […]

The Super Minerals for a Rock Hard Body and Erection

Today’s man is very often in the gym, and very conscious about his body. This article is about 3 super minerals that are essential for all men working out and wanting to build muscle. He will often take proteins and watch carefully what he eats, buying combinations like fat burners, creatine, and other products to […]

How to Use Vitamins to Help With Dizziness and Vertigo

Dizziness is one thing, vertigo is another.? Both involve potential feelings of unsteadiness and possible faintness, but vertigo will often also include disorientation.? Both conditions can persist to be point of becoming disabling Ongoing conditions may involve some pathology of the balance organs inside the ear, some diseases, even migraines.? It can be simple motion […]

Some Useful Vitamins that Lower Blood Sugar

Certain vitamins and minerals have been found beneficial in lowering blood sugar and thus useful in the treatment of diabetes. Vitamin B complex – Vitamins of the B group are valuable in the treatment of diabetes. Despite and adequate intake of these vitamins, diabetics often have abnormally small amounts of vitamin B in their blood […]

Minerals and Vitamins For ADHD – Are They Helpful in Treating ADHD?

Perhaps you have heard or have read on the many available resources on the Internet that children who suffer from the symptoms of ADHD are often discovered to have a deficiency of essential minerals in the body. For this reason, many believe that giving ADHD children vitamins and minerals would help in alleviating the symptoms. […]

Fatigue Fighting Vitamins and Herbs

Fatigue is mental and physical tiredness where the person has no energy or enthusiasm to do anything. Fatigue is often the result of continual illness, stress, overworking, worry or periods of emotional upheaval. It can be the symptom of many illnesses, including anaemia and infections. Chronic fatigue can be greatly improved by eating foods that […]

High Blood Pressure Vitamins – Can Vitamins Help Lower Your High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure vitamins – do they really exist? Is it actually possible to lower your blood pressure with vitamins? In this article, I take a closer look at vitamins and see if they, or anything else, can help lower your blood pressure. Vitamin C Vitamin C is a well known antioxidant vitamin. Research has […]

Vitamins and Their Role in Our Lives

Vitamins, like minerals, are an essential part of the function and health of the body system. While many vitamins serve individual purposes, the more common way for vitamins to function properly is as cofactors to or in partnership with other vitamins, minerals, nutrients and other substances in the body such as enzymes. Some of the […]