7 Ways to Naturally Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, aka hypertension, is extremely common in the United States. In fact, raw stats show that over 73.6 million Americans suffer from high blood pressure. Hypertension is known as the “silent killer” because there are no noticeable symptoms and yet is one of the greatest risk factors for both heart attacks and strokes. […]

Vitamin D – Essential and vitally important in our body

The sun has never been our body’s enemy. Wearing sunscreen is and buying into what the media ads tell us certainly will compromise your health and wellbeing! Once you apply anything to your biggest organ (SKIN) you will also challenge your liver and other organs. And you will stop the all important UVB from naturally […]

Essential Ingredients That All Multi Vitamin Supplements Must Contain

When you are shopping for a good multi vitamin supplement the goal is to find one that will provide your body with all the essential and non-essential nutrients it needs. The big advantage is that you only have to take one tablet or a just a few to get all the nutrients for your body […]

Vitamin, Mineral and Health Supplements

There are many advantages of taking vitamin health supplements. A lot of people think that by taking vitamin health supplements they will be able to cure anything and keep themselves 100% healthy. Of course there are major benefits from taking vitamin supplements, but they have to be used as part of a well balanced healthy […]