Learn About Vitamins That Are Helpful For Hair Loss in Women

Review of Vitamins that help slow hair loss in women Women develop hair loss as frequently as men do, but because of hormonal differences, women don’t lose as much hair volume. Because of the difference in hair styling, women hide hair loss more efficiently. They have a different pattern of hair loss. Reasons for Hair […]

Natural Treatment for Hypertension

Vitamins and Minerals For Healthy Hair

There are many things that can destroy and damage the hair bond and protein balance – sun, hair color treatments, highlights, excessive styling, relaxers, and general lack of nutrition and amino acids are several factors that destroy the natural balance and condition of our hair. Proper hair care requires not only careful styling and design, […]

List of Vitamins and Uses

Vitamins recognized by legislative definitions in the United States include: Vitamin A Promotes healthy bone growth, vision, reproduction, cell division and specialization and helps regulate the immune system. Sources include whole milk, liver, eggs, some fortified breakfast cereals, carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and most darkly colored fruit and vegetables. Vitamin B1 – Also known as […]

The Importance of Multivitamins and Vitamins for Women

Whether you’re trying to have a baby, already pregnant, going through menopause or worried about osteoporosis, it’s worthwhile for you as a woman to consider the importance taking a multivitamin to create and maintain optimal health. But why would you want to take a supplement if you can get all your nutrients from your diet? […]

Vitamins, Minerals, and Other Supplements That Eliminate Acne

Many supplements exist that will help speed up the success of your acne treatment. It is well known that taking certain vitamins, minerals, or other types of supplements will help to eliminate skin disorders. We are listing some of the most effective ones to use when fighting acne. Vitamins 50,000 IU of water-soluble Vitamin A […]

Vitamins and the Immune System – Discover Natural Ways to Build Immunities

Vitamins and the immune system are connected together in many different ways. The immune system is a complex means of defense within your body. Its goal is to stave off harmful infections, germs, bacteria and viruses. It even attacks your own cells if there is something perceived to be wrong with them. So just how […]

Essential Vitamins & Minerals For Increased Sex Drive

A low sex drive (libido) is something you don’t have to settle to live with as there are vitamins and minerals that can help you reinvigorate your sex life and take your libido to an all new high without resorting to synthetic drugs like Viagra and Cialis. The reasons for your low libido should first […]

Vitamins – Which Ones Are Most Important?

Vitamins, also referred to as supplements, in general are a vital and extremely important part of a healthy lifestyle but they should be taken with caution. Before starting a supplemental regiment, a doctor should be consulted to confirm which ones are needed and which ones to avoid. Having too much or too little of any […]