Lowering High Blood Pressure With Food

High blood pressure is one of the highest non-communicable diseases in the world today. High blood pressure is also known as hypertension. Showing you how you can combat hypertension with foods is the purpose of this article.

Potassium is an important mineral in regulating blood pressure. It has been noted to have significant blood pressure lowering effects. Foods high in potassium are spinach, potatoes, bananas, zucchini, tomatoes, avocados, beets, brussel sprouts, and oranges.

Phthalide (a chemical compound naturally occurring in celery) relaxes the artery muscles that regulate your blood pressure. Recommended amount – 4 stalks per day.

Fiber helps flush out cholesterol from your blood stream. High cholesterol levels contribute to hypertension because it clogs your arteries, making your heart work harder to pump more blood through these narrow arteries. Spinach and sweet potatoes are a good source of fiber so always have them on your menu as you fight this disease.

Calcium is considered to have the ability to reduce blood pressure. Ingest foods rich in calcium like broccoli, cabbages, dry beans and salmon.

Another mineral that can be good is magnesium. Magnesium relaxes the blood vessels, allowing for easier blood flow through the vessels. Examples of foods rich in magnesium are avocados, spinach, almonds, sunflower seed, and barley.

Vitamin C is also known to have benefits to high blood pressure patients. Vitamin C helps constricted arteries to expand which causes the pressure to become lower. Citrus fruits such as mandarins and oranges are rich in Vitamin C as are kiwis and strawberries. Red cabbage and red bell peppers are also rich sources of Vitamin C.

Fish has also been found to help with lowering high blood pressure. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids which decrease the possibility of blood clumps and clots which in turn reduces the occurrence of artery narrowing.

These are just some of the foods that can be consumed to help lower blood pressure. Hypertensive patients should also lower their intake of certain foods. Sodium (salt), fat, and caffeine are the major items to stay away from. The foods above are considered good but it is still best to consult your doctor before getting in to them.

Lastly, in lowering high blood pressure a lifestyle change is a must. In most cases, high blood pressure happens because of unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise. Food intake should only be part of the overall plan to help combat this disease. To effectively fight against hypertension persons must stick to a change of lifestyle which includes healthier eating, regular exercise, reducing stress and stopping bad habits like smoking and drinking.

Jennifer C. Valerie is a pastor’s wife and homeschooling mother of two boys living on the Caribbean island of Dominica also known as The Nature Isle of the Caribbean. Jennifer is passionate about health and healing through natural methods. With her Insanely Simple! Salads series of recipe e-books, Jennifer’s desire is to share with those thinking that healthy eating is Insanely Simple!In addition to blogging at http://www.jennifervalerie.com more commonly known as Fruitful Vine and being the administrator of the Fruitful Vine page on Facebook, Jennifer is also moderator of the Natural HS Mommas group on The Homeschool Lounge – a community for connecting mothers who homeschool their children and also contributes the Eating Well articles for http://thelivingwellmoms.com

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