Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Fast

Normal blood pressure for an adult is generally 120 (systolic)/ 80 (diastolic)

High blood pressure is divided into different levels:

1. Prehypertension (120-139/80-89)
2. Borderline (120-160/90-94)
3. Mild (140-160/95-104)
4. Moderate (140-180/105-114)
5. Severe (160+/115+)

More than eighty percent of people with hypertension are in the borderline-to-moderate range. Dietary and lifestyle changes can bring most cases of borderline to mild blood pressure under control. Diet, exercise, and relaxation have proven superior to drugs in cases of borderline-to-mild hypertension. Consuming a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and low fat dairy foods and low in saturated fats can be very effective in lowering hypertension.

Some of the important lifestyle factors, which may contribute to hypertension, include caffeine, alcohol intake, obesity and lack of exercise. Reducing stress in your life can also play a significant role in lowering blood pressure. Another significant risk factor in developing hypertension is smoking. Dietary factors that may be a precedent to hypertension include high sugar diets, low fiber consumption, diets high in saturated-fat and low essential-fatty-acid intake. Low calcium, magnesium and vitamin C consumption may also contribute to the problem. A high potassium to sodium ratio is associated with lower blood pressure.

Next to getting more exercise and achieving an ideal body weight, one of the most important dietary recommendations is to increase the consumption of plant foods. Increased consumption of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains and fiber boost potassium levels. In general, Vegetarians have lower blood pressure, and a lower occurrence of high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases than meat eaters do.

Celery is an interesting recommendation for hypertension. Research has been performed on a compound in celery, 3-n-butyl phthalide and has been found that it can lower blood pressure. Another advantage of this compound is that it may help to lower cholesterol. In animals very small amounts of this compound was shown to lower blood pressure by several percentage points, and also lowered cholesterol levels by about seven percent. About four ribs of celery can supply the equivalent dose in humans. The celery recommendation is certainly worth a try!

Garlic and onions are also another important food to give a try. Although most recent research has focused on the cholesterol-lowering properties of garlic and onions, both have also been shown to lower blood pressure in cases of hypertension. Both garlic and onion should be used liberally in the diet. Commercial garlic supplements may also be of benefit. Onions also help to fight inflammation which benefits the cardiovascular system.

Magnesium and Potassium are also both important in the treatment of hypertension. Potassium has shown to decrease blood pressure in many studies. Potassium and magnesium interact in many body systems. Low intracellular potassium levels may be the result of low magnesium intake. It may therefore be recommended to supplement magnesium 400 to 1,200 mg per day in divided doses along with potassium.

Stress may also be a contributing factor to hypertension. Relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, hypnosis, and progressive muscle relaxation have all been shown to have value in reducing a person’s stress. Other vitamins and minerals that have shown value in lowering high blood pressure are Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and Calcium. Supplementation with these nutrients could help. Coenzyme Q10 may also help to lower blood pressure when taken for long periods of time. This enzyme helps to lower cholesterol and stabilize the vascular system because of its antioxidant properties. It may also help to lower blood sugar levels. Coenzyme Q10 also increases the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) giving more energy at a cellular level.

Hypertension should not be taken lightly. Keeping blood pressure in the normal range not only helps to lengthen your life but will improve the quality of your life as well. If natural measures, rather than drugs can attain proper blood pressure this is even better because of the side effects some experience with prescription medications. Some of these side effects include fatigue and headaches.

Mild Hypertension (140-160/90-104)

1. Reduce excess weight
2. Exercise and use stress reduction techniques
3. Decrease salt intake
4. Follow a healthy lifestyle avoiding alcohol, caffeine, smoking and processed foods.
5. Follow a high-potassium diet, increase fiber and eat more complex carbohydrates
6. Increase dietary consumption of garlic, celery and onions.
7. Reduce or eliminate animal fats in the diet.
8. Increase the use of vegetable oils

Many nutritional supplements may also help to control elevated blood pressure.
Consider taking a good multiple-vitamin-and-mineral formula, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Vitamin E, Garlic and Flaxseed Oil or Fish Oil. Graviola is an herbal extract that may assist in lowering blood pressure. Always advise your doctor of supplements you may be taking.

Moderate Hypertension (140-180/105-114)

1. All measures listed for Mild Hypertension
2. Try Hawthorn extract which can lower blood pressure and may also lower cholesterol.
3. Coenzyme Q10 200 mg two to three times per day

Severe Hypertension (160+/115+)

Consult a physician immediately. Employ all the measures listed for Mild and Moderate Hypertension. A prescription drug may be necessary to achieve initial control. When satisfactory control over the high blood pressure has been achieved, work with your physician to taper off the medication if possible.

This article is for information purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice and recommendations of a physician. The supplements referenced in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Consult a qualified health care practitioner before taking any substance for medicinal purposes.

Tressie Harzman is a Certified Natural Health Professional and offers low cost high quality supplements at http://www.threefoldhealth.com. The products on the website are produced in an FDA approved lab and hold the GMP seal for Guaranteed Potency.

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