A Guide To High Blood Pressure Remedies

It is interesting to note that well over 30 million people in the United States suffer from high blood pressure making it one of the most prevalent illnesses in the country. But what does it mean for all those people who suffer from it? Well basically it means they are at extremely high risk of going on to develop cardiovascular disease, diabetes and stroke!

Luckily many of the people diagnosed have it in a relatively mild form, and for these people many doctors are looking to reducing their blood pressure to within more healthy limits by more natural means than drug treatment.

Here are a few remedies that can be used to help reduce the problem without resorting to drug treatment

* Reducing weight, whilst there are a number of people who have high blood pressure who are within normal weight limits, it is a proven fact that obese people are three times more likely to be sufferers than their skinnier counterparts. You probably don’t even have to lose a huge amount; it’s been found that even losing a few pounds can have a correspondingly reducing effect on the problem.

* Reduce your salt intake, there is some thought that the link between a high salt intake and sufferers is a myth, but many doctors and scientists are convinced the link is there. Reducing your salt intake won’t do you any harm and there is every possibility it will do some good.

* Reduce your alcohol intake, it is well documented that there is a link between excessive consumption of alcohol and high blood pressure. There’s nothing wrong with the odd alcoholic drink in moderation as long as limits are kept low.

* Increase your potassium intake, potassium is a valuable mineral which is thought to assist in keeping high blood pressure under control. You can do this by eating potassium rich foods such as bananas or taking a potassium supplement.

* Take more exercise, you should proceed with caution, it’s pointless trying to run a marathon for instance when you haven’t been off your sofa for ages as you a reliable to hurt yourself in some way. Proceed with caution, go for a 10 minute walk several times a week and build up gradually on that. 30 minutes walking a day is recommended.

* Think about your diet, many studies have shown that vegetarians are less likely to be sufferers than their meat eating counterparts. If you’re a big meat eater cut it down and pile your plate with veg instead.

* Measure your own blood pressure; anyone can measure it nowadays as there are so many different types of monitoring machines out there on the market. The best thing about checking your own blood pressure is you’ll be able to correlate any high readings to whatever you’ve been doing and adjust your behaviour accordingly.

* Be happy, it’s been found that emotions can play a very large part in determining how high your blood pressure may rise. A person who has a happy outlook on life tends to have a lower blood pressure so thinking happy thoughts can assist in keeping it within a good range.

* Finally, try not to get stressed; it’s believed stress is one of the biggest factors in the huge rise in hypertension. It’s difficult to do so if you have a stressful job, but, think about learning some relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga, (both well known for their stress busting abilities). Other means of bringing your stress levels down could include going to the gym or even taking up a hobby.

If you would like to know more about High Blood Pressure its causes and remedies then click on the link DEALING WITH HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE below.

Joe Solari is a highly successful freelance writer and the author of DEALING WITH HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE

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