A Natural High Blood Pressure Recipe

If you have high blood pressure you are at risk for a heart attack or stroke. The amount of risk depends on how high your pressure is and how long it has been this way. Here is a range of pressures readings and how they rate:

Normal 120/80
Border 120/90 to 160/94
Mild 140/95 to 160/104
Moderate 140/105 to 180/114
Severe 160 plus/115 plus

Regardless what your blood pressure is, it is best to always watch your diet and become informed as to how you can maintain good health though out your body. Here is a recipe using natural products and foods. This recipe will not only help your condition, but will improve your immune system.

High blood pressure responds well to natural remedies and methods. Many Alternative Practitioners recommend not using drugs for this condition, because they can be more dangerous to your health than the disease your are trying to eliminate. Drug side effects create an increase risk of heart disease.

Here is a recipe to follow to lower your high blood pressure.

Use a good mineral supplement

Use Arjuna daily for good cardiovascular health

Exercise and lose weight

Reduce the fat you eat

Eat more fiber

Take a good fish oil supplement

Mineral Supplement for a high blood pressure recipe

The minerals calcium, potassium and magnesium have all been found to keep blood pressure low. These minerals and many more come from eating fruits and vegetables of all colors. Also drink fruit and vegetables juices alone or combined to get a strong dose of minerals that shoot quickly into your blood stream.

Eat as many fruits and vegetables in the morning until noontime. This helps your body to get rid of toxins that affect your overall health.

Add these foods to your diet for minerals: bananas, figs, cantaloupe, apricots, avocados, cherries, grapes, mangos, beans, and sunflower seeds.

If you are overweight than losing weight and getting it into your ideal weight gives you the most benefits for lowing your blood pressure. Get into a daily exercise pattern. A treadmill or daily brisk walk will give you great benefits.

Here are some of the things that you should add or eliminate from your diet.

Reduce that amount of fat that you eat. By eating less meat you decrease the amount of fat you eat. Also eating less dairy products will decrease the amount of fat your body has to process.

Eat more fiber. You can get fiber from fruits and vegetables and bran. Eat a vegetable salad with your lunch and dinner.

Add a good fish oil supplement

Use the India herb called Arjuna. This herb is good for your complete cardiovascular system. It an inexpensive herb and it makes plenty of sense to use it.

Master this high blood pressure recipe and watch your pressure go down. Once you get it down, refine this recipe for more results and better health.

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