Alfa PXP Forte English Part 1

Its time you checked out natures ultimate functional food Alfa PXP Forte Alfa PXP Forte is a powerful blend of polysaccharide peptides derived from a select mixture of rice grains harvested in the Siam Valley of Thailand and Alfa Spirulina from the Pacifi c Ocean, that combines over 50 antioxidants, second-generation amino acids and potent alpha glycans to target premature aging and build lasting mental and physical energy, vitality and health. Only Enzacta uses state-of-the-art nanotechnology to bond polysaccharide peptides through hydrolization, forming concentrated, naturally hydrolyzed alpha glycans. Advanced nanotechnology is the only way to extract these particles and preserve them in powder form. Alpha glycans are tiny nutrients that are easily absorbed by your cells who recognize them as biological super-fuel – nutrients you just cant get in a modern diet. This super-fuel is pumped directly into cellular mitochondria the power plants of your cells for a natural energy boost that lasts all day and promotes restful sleep each night. Alfa PXP Forte is also a potent antioxidant. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals dangerous particles that rip through your cells and cellular DNA, causing cell damage, mutation and death. It is this damage that is linked to metabolic disorders like cancer, heart disease, Alzheimers, stroke, diabetes and all degenerative disease. Alfa PXP Fortes ability to feed your cells at the molecular level, at the same time it protects them from
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