Alternative Treatments For High Blood Pressure

Many people who have a higher-than-average risk of developing high blood pressure, are already struggling with hypertension, or are borderline hypertensive; think that their only option to try to control their blood pressure levels is to take prescriptions medicines.?

No doubt, there are several prescription drugs available to help you regulate your blood pressure and reduce your blood pressure numbers, but you may also want to look into some alternative treatments for high blood pressure.

Reduce your salt intake.?Most Americans get entirely too much salt in their diets, and although the debate about salt’s influence on blood pressure continues on, most doctors will advise you to cut down on salt.????????????

Get some sort of exercise every day.?Generally, walking is a favorite, as it gives you a chance to exercise and let off the tensions of the day, and it can be the easiest and least expensive type of exercise.?

Lose weight.?It is proven that extra pounds can cause high blood pressure, and conversely, losing even ten pounds can make a big difference in controlling your blood pressure. Consider visiting a homeopathic or alternative health care professional for advice on supplementing your diet with one or more of the various herbs and supplements that can help your hypertension.??????????

Among the more common herbs, ingredients, and foods that can serve as alternative treatments for high blood pressure include hawthorn, garlic, gingko biloba, CoQ10, fish oils (Omega 3 fatty acids), cayenne (capsaicin), potassium, calcium, cod liver oil, ALA, cocoa, and blond psyllium.?L-arginine is another ingredient that is currently gaining more popularity as a way to combat hypertension.??????????

Engage in some sort of relaxation technique on a regular basis.?Some of the more popular ways of doing so include meditation, and/or deep breathing techniques.?

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