Best Vitamins For Weight Loss

Some schools of weight loss believe that we keep eating even after we are full because we are not getting the nutrients we need from the food we are eating. Its a French idea, actually: We are fat because we eat bad food. If it is true that we are overeating because we are actually undernourished (though way overfed), then the logical thing to do would be to supplement some of that nourishment by taking extra vitamins.

“Which vitamins?” you ask. These vitamins:

Vitamin B2

B2 keeps your thyroid gland working properly, which controls metabolism (among other processes). A deficiency in Vitamin B2, B3, B5, B6 or any of the other B vitamins can suppress your metabolism, which will cause you to gain weight.

While vitamins are good in pill form, they are even better in real food form. To boost your B vitamins, eat more leafy greens and almonds. Taking wheatgerm as a supplement is also very good. You can just drop a tablespoon in your morning smoothie with you do not like to take wheatgerm in water or straight from the spoon.

Vitamin B3

In addition to helping your thyroid function, B3 assists with keeping your blood sugar levels steady. This does not directly influence weight gain or loss, but it has powerful control over how hungry you feel at any given time. Low blood sugar can also make you feel cranky, depressed — it just generally weakens your resolve. To keep your Vitamin B3 levels high, reach for brown rice, salmon, oats and barley. Chicken and cheese are also good sources.

Vitamin B5

B5 is a real goodie for weight loss: It helps you burn fat. Good sources are leafy greens, beans, wheatgerm and wheatbran.

Vitamin B6

B6 is mostly for good thyroid function. Avocados and bananas are good natural sources for it. So are wheatgerm and brown rice and eggs.

Vitamin C

If your doctor said you have to lower your cholesterol, then take more Vitamin C. It is also helpful in converting glucose (one of the body’s simple sugars) into energy. So if you are dragging at the end of the day and just can not summon the energy to get to the gym, maybe try some of the Vitamin C in some orange juice to get you motivated.


Calcium is getting more and more press as being essential to weight loss. Some diets, like the one in “How the Rich Get Thin”, are focused almost entirely on calcium as the magic weight loss bullet. If you want to get more calcium, there is always dairy, but some brands of bottled mineral water are also excellent calcium sources. And you will be getting in your water requirements, too.


Controls fat and cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels. Egg yolks are a good source of chromium, as is whole wheat bread and molasses.

Inositol and Choline

These vitamins work together to flush fat out of the liver, and so they are very important for overall metabolism. Good sources include peanuts, wheatgerm and cucumbers.


Again, we have another vitamin that’s good for weight loss simply because it stabilizes blood sugar, though manganese also helps with fat burning. Drink more tea if you want more manganese.


Zinc helps weight loss by supporting the systems that regulate blood sugar. If you do not get crazy hunger spikes, you are less likely to overeat and gain weight.

Pamella Neely writes about how to lose weight in a week and tips for drinking water to lose weight.

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