Binge Drinking and High Blood Pressure

Researchers have noted a new trend especially amongst young people as it relates to high blood pressure. A new crop of younger people is showing signs of hypertension on account of binge drinking. This is particularly a new problem especially in the UK according to recent media reports. In fact according to the reports binge drinking has effectively erased the long held dividing line which made hypertension a problem for older people.

It would appear from this point on thanks to excessive drinking that hypertension knows no age difference. Binge drinking causes a significant elevation in blood pressure that kind not seen in individuals who consume a steady amount of alcohol or those who do not drink at all. A study done in Europe tracked French and Irish men who had different drinking habits. The French participants in the study consumed alcohol on a steady basis whilst the Irish counterparts tended to have a binge pattern of drinking towards weekends.

Blood pressure readings of French participants remained constant yet those of the Irish group spiked on a Monday after the weekend and then subsided through to Thursday. Participants from both countries who did not drink alcohol at all maintained ideal blood pressure. It is believed that ethanol in alcohol is behind damage to blood vessels such as nerves. Just as nicotine in people who smoke tobacco, ethanol is thought to damage blood vessels by causing stiffness to nerves. When nerves and arteries are stiff blood pressure increases. This is how younger people are developing hypertension earlier than previously experienced.

Some researchers also believe that alcohol may have something to do with levels of sodium in the blood cells. Sodium is well known to cause or at least exacerbate a hypertensive condition by facilitating the retention of fluids in the body. The more fluids there are in the blood stream the greater the volume and blood pressure. This is the reason why hypertension patients are encouraged to sharply cut back on sodium consumption and eat foods that lower blood pressure such as fresh fruits and veggies.

In the UK more than 1500 male and female drinkers are admitted to hospital daily due to excessive alcohol consumption. This figure has gone up some 65% compared to some five years prior. In addition alcohol is blamed for up 15000 deaths per year. Alcohol each year is also behind over 400000 brawls, burglaries, sexual assaults and many other crimes.

Policy makers have some serious considerations to make in light of these medical evidences against binge drinking. Tobacco taxing has been effective in cutting back the number of people who smoke. It would appear it’s time to consider a special yet stinging tax on alcohol to control its consumption especially by younger people. A sin tax is needed in this area. Access to alcoholic drinks for teenagers should be heavily regulated. If more people are let to develop hypertension on account of binge drinking the cost to society and the economy in general will be tough in the medium to long term.

To stop binge drinking authorities might also consider making parents and guardians criminally responsible for any kids found indulging for the simple reason that some adults give youth access to alcoholic drinks.

You may to go the following links to learn more about ideal blood pressure mentioned in this article as well as the benefits of quitting smoking as it relates to blood pressure health and health in general.

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