Can Cayenne Pepper Lower Your Cholesterol?

Can Cayenne Pepper actually lower your cholesterol? Yes it can. Cayenne pepper is one of the most powerful herbs in the world yet most just think of it as a condiment. Its uses and tremendous health benefits, however, go far beyond its culinary uses. It is a proven herb that has been used for decades by wise herbalists and home health practitioners.

Cayenne is extremely beneficial for the entire venous structure and for the heart. Its nutrients are what give Cayenne such proficiency. In fact, it’s not only a very nutritional herb but it’s a medicinal herb as well. It is very high in Vitamins A, C, and the B complexes. It also is teeming with assimilable calcium and potassium. Its abundance of potassium is one of the reasons why it is so beneficial for the human heart.

So, why is it so helpful in the lowering of cholesterol? Cayenne is an herb that once digested by the body, helps to clean the bloodstream of unwanted elements. How specifically? Cayenne somehow processes fat without absorbing it and it helps the body excrete the fats through normal bowel movements. Its speed and efficacy in which it works is nothing short of amazing. If taken daily, it will not only strengthen the heart, but will lower cholesterol by scouring the blood. The therapeutic value of cayenne has been repeatedly validated, but don’t take my or various scientific studies’ word for it. Use it for 30 days and you’ll have your own story to tell.

The Cayenne Pepper Detoxification Drink — How to Take It

I’d advise you take it in warm water. The warm water is much faster than tablets, capsules, or cold water as the warm cayenne water opens up the cell structure. It makes the cells expand and utilizes the cayenne that much faster. Famed herbal and homeopathic Dr. John Christopher testified repeatedly in his writing of the virtual instantaneous nature of cayenne upon the heart. If someone were having a heart attack, if they can drink the warm concoction of very warm water and cayenne pepper, it will in about 15 seconds take the person out of the heart attack. While a severe cut or lesion is not related to lowering cholesterol, if one can put some cayenne pepper into it and perhaps drink some, it will stop the bleeding in literally 10 to 15 seconds

You may be surprised to hear about the medicinal efficacy of cayenne pepper but in truth it’s been used as a medicine (as well as an herbal condiment) for literally centuries all around the world. Due to the stranglehold Big Pharma has upon the medical establishment, not to mention the hold modern Western medicine has upon our healthcare, the benefits of cayenne pepper and other herbs remains relatively unknown, and herbalist practitioners are persecuted and prosecuted by the healthcare powers that be.

Money, Money, Money

So why haven’t most heard of cayenne’s amazing therapeutic abilities? Money. The number-one-selling drug in the US is Lipitor — ostensibly sold to reduce cholesterol. In 2005 alone, Lipitor had 12.2 billion in sales. According to CNN, Lipitor totaled 13 billion. Needless to say, Cayenne pepper could eliminate all that. Consider the difference: it costs anywhere from $10 to $20 to buy a pound of cayenne pepper. The average price dosage of Lipitor is $80. When you’re making $13 billion a year in sales on one drug, you don’t want to give that up, nor do you want others to know about something that works better. Now you know in part why herbal medicine is publically mocked by the medical establishment and criminalized by the government. Of course, herbal medicine has been respected for years among true health practitioners and cayenne pepper

The cayenne pepper detoxification drink as I call it takes some getting used to, but its benefits are tremendous. Your cholesterol will lower, your heart will strengthen, and you’ll experience other health benefits as well. Drink the cayenne pepper detoxification drink. It’s inexpensive and while drinking a glass of warm cayenne pepper water seems odd, its health benefits will be noticeable. Don’t rely on doctors to “cure” you of lower cholesterol. Take matters into your own hands; be self-reliant about your health. Doctors can certainly be a great blessing, but by learning of alternative means to help your health, you will benefit greatly.

Glenn Reschke is the webmaster of a website on the health benefits of Cayenne Pepper.

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