Causes of High Blood Pressure in Young Women

High blood pressure in young women can be extremely dangerous. So what would be some of the causes for this in the female gender? So you would have to ask yourself, why would a young women have this silent killer at all?


There are two types.

1. Essential HBP – where there is no identifiable cause.
2. Secondary HBP – where your pressure is the result of an underlying cause, such as a kidney disease.

Essential HBP

With essential HBP, even though there is no identifiable cause, there could be a number of risk factors that could be causing it. For e.g. Your age, family history , lack of exercise, high amount of salt in your diet, stress or high fat in your diet.

Any number of these or even one of these factors could be the start of your pressure rising.

Secondary HBP

This is where your pressure has risen due to an underlying cause, such as kidney infection, narrowing of the arteries, medicines such as the contraceptive pill or illegal substances like drugs.

Most people with this problem don’t have any symptoms, so the only way to measure this is to have a pressure check from your doctor. Everybody’s pressure goes up and down throughout the day at different times of the day. You could get anxious when you are stressed which could raise your blood pressure slightly.

Cutting down on salt is essential as most foods have hidden salt in them. For example bacon, pickles or cheeses have hidden salts because of how they are made.

Its a good idea to start checking your labels for salt content to choose a healthier option and start helping to reduce your pressure.

What does HBP do to your body?

Any stage of hypertension adds to the workload of your heart and arteries. Your heart must pump harder. The arteries carry blood that is moving under extreme pressure. If your heart and arteries continue to work under this pressure for long periods of time, your heart and arteries may not work as well as they should. This could affect your other organs within your body.Adding other things like obesity, smoking, alcohol, bad diet will increase the risk of a stroke.

If you want to find out some more about what causes high blood pressure in young women Click Here for more information about this killer disease

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