Consume Omega 3 Oils for Depression Treatment

Feeling Depressed? Try consuming omega 3 supplements regularly. Well this may sound fishy but there are thousands of scientific studies to back up our claim. It is now a well established fact that Consuming Omega 3 oils for Depression Treatment is highly beneficial.

Depression is one of the major problems in the Western nations as it affects more than 25 million people over the age of 18 every year. However, various studies suggest that the regular intake of fish oils can treat depression and even replace anti-depressant medications completely.

Wondering how Fish oils can make you feel happier? Fish oils are the richest source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 as we all know is a family of polyunsaturated fats that are essential for the healthy functioning of each cell in our body.

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are the two most important omega 3 fats that help in treating depression and other mental disorders such as schizophrenia, sleeplessness, memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD etc.

Both EPA and DHA fats activate the secretion of Serotonin in our body. This is the feel-good hormone that controls our thoughts, moods and responses. An increase in Serotonin levels improves a person’s mental state and relieves depression symptoms.

An interesting point to note is that all anti-depressants function in a similar manner i.e. by increasing the serotonin levels in our body. High dosage of certain anti-depressant medications can lead to gastrointestinal disorders and various other health problems.

But Omega 3 supplements such as Fish oils are a completely safe and natural remedy to cure depression. They have no side-effects and provide numerous health benefits too.

Pregnant women who consume Fish Oils regularly have 70% lower chances of suffering post-partum depression than women who do not consume enough omega 3 fatty acids.

DHA fats form the most important component of brain cells while EPA fats control the functioning of our brain. Increase in omega 3 intake boosts the brain and nerve cells. This is another reason why Fish oils can help in dealing with mental problems in an efficient manner.

However, not all Fish oils are equal when it comes to Quality. You need superior grade omega 3 supplements that can provide optimal health benefits and are free of all impurities. In other words, you need Molecularly Distilled omega 3 Fish oils.

Molecular distillation is a refining process that removes all the toxins such as mercury, metals, PCBs etc from the Fish oils. Thus, you get a pure supplement that is absolutely safe for regular consumption.

For treating Depression, it is important that you consume high dosages of omega 3 fats. One such supplement with a high omega 3 content is the Fish oil extracted from Hoki fish. Hoki is a cold-water species found in New Zealand and has naturally high EPA and DHA levels.

Omega 3 fatty acids are a promising way to deal with mental disorders such as depression. Consume pharmaceutical grade, molecularly distilled Omega 3 Oils for depression treatment and for a healthy life.

Micheal Thomas is an editor for a series of health related websites. Learn about the best fish oil capsules that we ourselves use daily after extensive product comparisons and research over at

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