Dr Whiting on Heart Disease and Oral Chelation

phoenixnutritionals.com (CLICK HERE) In spite of dozens of drugs and numerous surgical procedures, heart disease is still the number one cause of death in most industrialized nations. While there are many forms of possible heart disease, the heart attack is the most common and most feared. Heart attacks can also come as a result of several causes, but the most common cause is the slow and steady blockage of arterial blood flow leading away from the heart. This narrowing of the arteries is called atherosclerosis. In theory, if we could reduce or remove the amount of atherosclerotic plaque, we could prevent the majority of heart attacks. This can now be done, in most cases, by safe, all-natural means. The American Dietetics Association has been telling us for decades, that the major cause of heart disease is the high saturated fat diet. This concept has prevented millions of people from preventing heart disease by diverting their attention to a factor that is minimal in the heart disease process. Diet does play a major role in the pathology of heart disease, but its not the saturated fats that are the culprit but rather the oxidized, rancid vegetable oils consumed in extremely high amounts that have led us to the heart disease epidemic. If you wish to follow a truly heart health diet, consider eliminating as many vegetable oils from your diet except for olive oil, which is actually heart healthy. Olive oil is monounsaturated and as such does not oxidize and form free
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