Fastest Ways to Lower Blood Sugar – Is it Possible?

The increase or decrease in the blood sugar level or the spikes in reading can not be associated with diabetics unless and until that has been confirmed by the doctor. Some times these spikes are seen generally due to mood swings, high blood pressure, fatigue, mental pressure or a heavy food intake before the sugar level test conducted. Before we jump onto any conclusions that this is because of diabetes then that should not be correct.

The first step of yours after getting the sugar level test reading is to consult with a doctor and they might ask you to go for some more tests to be sure whether the increase in the sugar level is due to diabetes only or due to some other reason. Once the doctor confirms that is due to diabetes then you should immediately follow the procedure or steps to control the blood sugar level.

If a person is affected from diabetes then he is more prone to health problems like pain in heart, in knees due to breaking of cells and also damage the nerves. So there is a need to be extra careful as the diabetic person is more prone to develop the problems mentioned above. Its advisable to strictly control the blood sugar level as if not then your body is become a house to all the diseases.

It’s better to take action now or else its going to be too late when nothing is under control. Don’t be frighten so much, if you are a diabetic patient then all you need to do is to take care of your diet so that your blood sugar level is kept under control and this way you stop the other diseases to grow in your body. The more healthy food you take that is rich in proteins then you would be able to maintain the blood glucose level under control. Also, it is advisable not to eat rice in big portion and cut down its consumption to 1 small bowl in a day and that too during lunch only. The reason why we are asking you to cut down the consumption of rice because they are full of carbohydrates and in order to lower down the blood sugar level, the more proteins you take the better it is.

In case of high blood sugar levels, the doctors sometimes advised to take insulin if there is no signs of improvement are being seen in the patient. Basically, insulin is an anti oxidant that would cut down the extra sugar from the human cells. The purpose of this is to reduce the blood sugar level. Also, take extra of the daily food intake as it is advisable to eat in smaller portions and the intake of green cooked vegetables should be more. If you are addicted to drink tea or coffee and consume it around 5-6 times on a daily basis then that should be reduced to 1 and that too in the breakfast with low sugar or you can use the sugar free tablets easily available in the market.

Controlling blood sugar levels is an art. If you want to be an expert in it, you should know the full details in Diabetic Foods to Eat AND Diabetes Foods to Avoid.Murali is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article should be complete and active.

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