Food Supplements That Lower Hypertension

Hypertension is a very serious disease that affects millions of Americans each year. Almost all who are diagnosed with it resort to pharmaceutical drugs which have nasty side effects. Most don’t realize that can regulate and cure their high blood pressure (HBP) with natural cures. In this article you will learn of some food supplements that will help you regulate your blood pressure.

First and foremost is salt. It is a fact that salt is a reason why HBP develops. Your kidneys retain salt in order to prevent dehydration. Salt retains water and the increased water causes the pressure on your vessels to increase. HBP develops due to the heart having to work harder to pump the blood around your organs.

The fix, eat less salt. Yes, salt seams like a hard thing to give up, but there are alternatives which you can use. There is even salt that doesn’t contain sodium. This is better than regular table salt and adds the same taste to your foods as table salt. It’s healthier.

Garlic is also a good natural food supplement that you can take to regulate your hypertension. Garlic contains sulphides which are known to lower blood pressure immediately after intake. Not only is garlic good at controlling HBP, it is also good at organ repair. This is due to the germaniums found in garlic which helps toward cell regeneration.

Fish is also an excellent natural resource you can eat to lower the pressue in your blood. This is due to the Omega 3 fatty acids found in the fish oil. Omega 3 contains DHA which is excellent at lowering the pressure in your blood. Another benefit of DHA is the repair it does to your arteries and promotes better blood circulation.

There are many other natural supplements that you can take to manage and even cure your HBP. You do not have to take pharmaceutical drugs that are known to have side effects. These side effects can be deadly. One of the most annoying side effects of pharmaceutical drugs is the constant urination they cause.

Do you really want to take drugs and have to go to the bathroom repeatedly? Do you want to suffer from other serious side effects from these pharmaceutical options? I certainly don’t and neither should you. Find out of all the natural supplements and natural cure that are available and are effective at lowering your high blood pressure. Take control of your health today by visiting:

About Cure HBP

Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications