HAARP Chemtrail Connection

HAARP ((High Frequency Active Auroral Reasearch Program) is an array of antennae’s that shoot over 1 billion watts (3.6 MegaWatts) into the ionosphere turning our atmosphere into a giant microwave-radar combo basically. Scientists early on in the HAARP experiments found they were able to find natural gas desposits and oil wells with 100% accuracy deep under rock with only 30 watts of power with this technology at the very start. Now they are using over 1 billion? Can you imagine what they can do? That should alarm everyone. Add the fact that 100’s of jets are spraying aerosols containing very high and toxic levels of heavy metals they call “chaff” that lab tests show includes radioactive thorium, barium, aluminum, manganese, nickel, and many other types of highly toxic heavy metals that we are breathing in daily. Is this a sneaky way of microchipping us to make us trackable through HAARP? After all, they do use barium in hospitals when they want to X-ray you inside your intestines! They make you drink barium, or give you an enema containing barium. It makes sense to me after researching this for years…Not to mention many other aerosol ingredients that are biological and nanotechnology in nature that can only be formulated in high tech labs. These ingredients are found to be at levels 100’s of times above safe exposure maximums for animals, plants, humans, and just about everything living on the planet. Other ingredients have never been seen before but after highly

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