High Blood Pressure Can Be Cured Naturally

High blood pressure can be extremely dangerous if left untreated. It can lead to – heart attack, heart disease, kidney failure, stroke, congestive heart failure, aortic aneurysms, and peripheral artery disease. It can also be undetected with no symptoms until it’s too late. This is why it is referred to as the “silent killer”. Almost one in three Americans over the age of 18 suffer with it.

The good news is; with a little commitment high blood pressure can be controlled. The first thing you have to consider is the underlying cause. A number of reasons can lead to this. Is it stress or excess weight or smoking maybe? Or it can be brought about by a combination of factors. It could be what you’re eating on a daily basis or what you’re not eating.

By taking action sooner than later high blood pressure can be reduced. You can start right now by reducing or even better giving up the amount of salt you consume. Beware of packaged foods they are a big no no and contain way too much salt. Become aware of what you’re putting in your body. Try to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables whenever possible. If you don’t eat fish your missing the essential fatty acids that are so very beneficial to your heart. Try fish such as Salmon, Tuna and Cod.

High blood pressure can also be helped with potassium. Potassium has been found to lower it by more than 20 points. Great sources of potassium are bananas and potatoes. Studies have found that getting enough dietary calcium can also help. Try adding some low fat yogurt into your diet daily. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can also be beneficial to your cells. Eat more citrus fruits, tomatoes, broccoli and spinach.

Herbs such as Ginko Biloba and Olive Leaf have exceptional benefits. Those with high blood pressure can benefit from garlic as well as it is effective in lowering bad cholesterol, strengthening the heart and improving blood flow.

A few lifestyle changes and your on your way. High blood pressure can be reduced with a little knowledge. It’s never too late. The key to a healthier you is a commitment to yourself.

By: Connie Stevens

High Blood Pressure can affect your health considerably. You’re no good to anybody if you’re dead! So if you need help and more information on how you can lower your blood pressure go to Remedies For High Blood Pressure to learn more.

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