High Blood Pressure – Herbal Remedies Can Help

Herbal remedies for hypertension are very common in Europe. In fact, doctors there are more likely to prescribe herbs for high blood pressure instead of prescription drugs.

Many studies in Europe have shown how effective herbs are for lowering blood pressure. And these herbal remedies usually don’t have any side effects, other than an occasional upset stomach.

Six Herbs That Can Lower Your Blood Pressure

Hawthorn has been used as a heart tonic for hundreds of years. It also dilates blood vessels, which helps reduce blood pressure. You will need to take it for at least a month before seeing results.

Mistletoe regulates blood pressure and is helpful for both high and low blood pressure. In Europe, mistletoe is often combined with hawthorn to treat hypertension.

Kudzu root contains puerarin, which helps to normalize blood pressure. It also has one hundred times the antioxidant activity of vitamin E, and helps to prevent heart disease and cancer.

Garlic can reduce hypertension, and may help to reduce cholesterol, too. Garlic can also thin your blood, like aspirin. In fact, if you are taking blood-thinning medications like Coumadin or Trental, talk to your doctor before using garlic on a regular basis. Also, stop taking it if you are having surgery in the next couple of weeks.

Ginkgo has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to reduce high blood pressure. Studies have shown that ginkgo relaxes blood vessels, stimulates the circulatory system, and is an anti-inflammatory. It’s also very effective in treating irregular heartbeats.

Siberian ginseng (not Chinese ginseng or Panax) has long been used as a folk remedy for hypertension and heart problems, among other conditions.

Blood Thinning Herbs

Blood thinners like aspirin can be hard on the stomach, even though they do help to reduce the number of strokes.

Blood-thinning herbs like alfalfa, birch, sweet clover, bedstraw, poplar, red clover, willow, and wintergreen are much easier on the stomach. You can make a vinegar from the leaves, buds, and/or flowers of any of these herbs. A spoonful a day will not only help thin your blood, but it will provide minerals to strengthen your bones.

Stress-Relieving Herbs

Lemon balm is a great tonic for the heart and circulatory system. It helps to reduce stress as well. Use it as a tea or vinegar every day.

Valerian contains valerenic acid. This acid keeps a certain enzyme from breaking down gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), which is helpful in controlling blood pressure. Valerian also lowers blood pressure by helping you relax. It’s very effective, but can be a little hard to take as it smells like dirty socks!

Passionflower and lime blossom (also known as tilia or linden) both reduce hypertension by relaxing blood vessels. If your high blood pressure is due to anxiety and stress, these herbs can help.

Viburnum opulus (Guelder Rose bark), skullcap, and motherwort are all useful sedative herbs for hypertension.

High Blood Pressure Tea

Pour one quart of boiling water over one teaspoon each of:

* hawthorn berries and flowers

* ginger root

* valerian root

* motherwort leaves

Let this tea steep for twenty minutes and strain out the herbs. Drink at least two cups a day. You can sweeten it with a little honey or stevia.

Darlene Norris is a mom and grandma who has been keeping her family healthy with herbal remedies for many years.She says, “Are you tired of side effects from hypertension drugs? Visit my website, Herbal-Remedies-For-Busy-Moms.com to learn how to control hypertension naturally!

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