High Blood Pressure Natural Cures

High blood pressure natural cures are a good answer if your doctor has told you that you have high blood pressure and must lower it or risk serious problems.

The most important thing you can do is to change your diet. Here are five diet changes that can help lower your pressure naturally.

1. Cut back on salt. This is almost without question the most important thing you can do to lower your blood pressure. You can cut back on salt by using different spices, sauces and other seasonings. Just make sure that you read the labels of the foods you purchase to see how much sodium may contain… Make sure you cut back on those packaged foods that are high in sodium. And, instead, find less salty options…

2.Eat more veggies. When our body has all the vitamins and minerals it needs, it can work more efficiently. In turn, this helps lower your pressure. Potassium is particularly important in lowering it. While you can always just buy a comprehensive multivitamin, a better idea is to eat foods that are rich in certain substances. The best way to do this is to add fruits and veggies to your diet. Try replacing some of the meat in your diet with these healthier alternatives. If you do cut down on your intake of meat, remember that you will need to replace the nutrients that you would normally get from it.

3. Get some fiber. If you increase the amount of soluble fiber in your diet, you will not only lower your pressure, you will also lower your bad cholesterol levels. In turn, this can help you lose weight naturally. How do you add fiber to your diet? It’s easy. Just eat oat brand, apple pectin, or guar gum.

4. Cut back on your sugar intake. Cut back on eating sugar, or eat it with fiber or protein. These will slow the absorption of the sugar and lessen its effects.

5. Ditch the diet pills. While it’s true that losing weight will help lower your blood pressure, don’t take diet pills. Many of the weight loss pills will actually raise your pressure. The better idea is to lose weight the old-fashioned way with diet and exercise.

Do these diet changes sound like too much? Then try taking them one at a time. You can also make changes in increments. For example, you can decide to replace one sugary or salty snack with a fruit or vegetable each day for a week. Once you are used to this change, you can keep adding more changes until you’re comfortable and happy with your new diet and your lower pressure.

High blood pressure natural cures are not that difficult to implement, especially when you consider the alternatives.

By: Douglas Hanna

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