High Blood Pressure Natural Remedy

Heart disease is the biggest killer of Americans today and unfortunately for a lot of people there are no symptoms – they just die! That is why it was given the name – the silent killer.

It is interesting to note that 60% of heart attack casualties do not have high blood pressure (hypertension), but this nevertheless leaves us with 40% that do. This therefore shows there is a link between hypertension and heart attacks. There is a high proportion of people now looking for a high blood pressure natural remedy in place of turning to expensive and damaging drugs.

If you suffer with high blood pressure it is a good warning that you are possibly in danger of heart attack and contracting heart disease. You must look on this as a warning that something is wrong. What you also need to understand is that by treating your hypertension with drugs is only treating the symptom it is not getting to the root cause of the illness.

Drugs used to control hypertension can chemically unbalance your body’s natural healing processes. This will lead not to improvement of your complaint, but to a worsening. When have you ever heard of anybody who takes medication for hypertension be told they are cured and can dispense with taking them? If medication was the answer you would see far fewer people dying from heart attacks now. The only thing these medications are good for is lowering your blood pressure they certainly do not lower your risk of heart attack or disease. As more people realise this they are starting to look for natural cures.

There are many reasons for your hypertension, it could even be something as simple as a fear of doctors! Listed below are 7 possible causes that can lead to high blood pressure:

1. Dehydration
2. High blood calcium levels
3. High blood sugar levels
4. Calcification of arterial linings
5. Neurogenic abnormalities
6. Vitamin D deficiency
7. Magnesium deficiency

It is crucial to get your blood pressure down to normal levels and in order to do this you need to figure out the reasons for your hypertension and then treat these problems naturally. In the world today there is a self-health revolution happening with doctors and patients alike. The realization that the body is a tremendous piece of engineering and is capable of healing itself, without expensive drugs. The Net is full with data on how things like exercise and diet can help you to control your blood pressure.

If you take hypertension medication talk to your doctor and see if you can turn to a high blood pressure natural remedy with their assistance.

By: Jill A. Moore

Your body is really an amazing machine and given the right techniques – such as fitness and nutrition regimes will stay in tip top condition. Click here for more information on how to lower blood pressure naturally.Jill A.Moore lives in Thailand and writes articles for various publications. She has an interest in natural health solutions. Visit her blog at http://www.jillsreview.com/blog

About Cure HBP

Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications