High Blood Pressure or Low Blood Pressure?

The optimum reading for adults who are under the age of 55 is 120/80. (120 is the systolic reading, and 80 is the diastolic reading.) That is OPTIMAL, or average. That doesn’t mean that any deviation from those numbers is not all right. The range of satisfactory readings for adults is between 120-140 systolic and between 80-90 diastolic.

It is an accepted medical fact that any reading higher than 140/90 requires medical attention. Most people know that…and the entire medical community knows that. When readings are very high, there is a real danger of heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and kidney failure, among other things. When blood pressure readings are found to be too high, a patient is instructed to make lifestyle changes (lose weight, exercise, eat a low-salt diet, and quit smoking) and they are most often prescribed diuretics and other pressure-lowering medications.

We all agree that blood pressure that is too high is dangerous and that it needs to be treated and controlled. The medical community has gotten really good at treating it. But what about low blood pressure?

Readings that are too low are just as concerning as those that are too high. Low blood pressure is a blood pressure reading of 100/70 or lower. There are many underlying medical causes for it. It increases the risk for dementia in the elderly. The good news is that it can be treated. The treatments are not as successful as those for high blood pressure, but there is help available.

Blood pressure should be checked on a regular basis. Blood pressure that is too high is a problem that can be treated and so is low blood pressure.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Hypertension [http://myhypertension.info] and High Blood Pressure [http://myhypertension.info] and has helped thousands of high blood pressure sufferers lower their score in weeks. For more articles and resources on hypertensions symptoms, cures and natural medications visit his site at:=>[http://myhypertension.info]

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