High Blood Sugar – What Foods Lower Blood Sugar Levels?

Having high blood sugar can put a strain on your health. High sugar leaves you vulnerable to infections and affects your bodies healing capabilities. High sugar can also develop into diabetes. If you already have diabetes or high blood sugar there is no need to despair. In addition to staying active there are foods that you can eat which will lower your glucose levels.

When you consider a diet that will lower your sugar levels, seek out foods that your body will digest slowly. These are low glycemic foods. High glycemic foods enter the bloodstream quickly which puts pressure on the pancreas to produce more insulin. Aim for a high fiber diet, and stay away from fats. Eating small meals throughout the day will help to keep glucose at a low, balanced level.

Cinnamon will lower your blood sugar when taken daily. The recommended dosage is six grams per day. Legumes such as beans and peas are helpful. Keep plenty of granola, oatmeal, and peanuts at hand. Fruit tends to have high sugar content. However, the best fruits to eat are apples, pears, bananas, mangos, grapes and oranges. Vegetables are always good to eat, but be careful of veggies such as corn as they are high in carbohydrates. Skinless poultry provides a safe meat source. Red meats should be avoided. There are quite a few sugar substitutes available as well. Splenda is a popular sweetener, and is suitable for baking and cooking. If you still have a sweet tooth, honey can also serve as a substitute for sugar.

Food with too much oil, mayonnaise, butter and the like seem to only raise sugar levels. Seek out the healthiest meals, a healthy meal is usually steamed, grilled, baked, or roasted. Eat healthy and you will be healthy.

Final Tip: the treatments for high blood sugar are not always the same, by researching and comparing the different high blood sugar treatments, you will get the one that is right for you. Fortunately, it has been reported the effectiveness of some natural supplements and prescribed medication. Also, there are natural remedies and treatments that are very safe and work to treat your blood glucose problems without any flaw.Carlos Molina runs the High Blood Sugar Treatment website – where you can see her best rated lower blood sugar supplement. Also, a recommendation to get free diabetic supplies. Visit for further information and read her full reviews of the best guides and treatments for diabetics, plus articles and video assistance.

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