Home remedy for Common & Uncommon Diseases_Part_1

In this video Swami Ramdev talks about the benefits of Yoga & intake of certain food and how it can help cure thousands of diseases for which there are no cures available so far by the medical sciences including Allopathic and Ayurvedic. Baba Ramdev Ji talks the benefits of the different Yoga techniques while visually teaching the different kind of Yoga/Pranayam techniques like Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom and Bhramri Pranayama. Millions of people have benefited from several minor diseases like Migraine, Constipation, Obesity, Wieght Loss, Head Aches, Body Aches, Hypertension, Cholestrol, High Blood Pressure, Arthritis, Acne and several kinds of Allergies as well as major diseases like Infertility, Cancer, Aids, Hepatitis, Parkinsons, Cardio Vescular, several kinds of Heart Diseases, Tumors of all kins etc were all cured just by following simple Pranayam techniques. Checkout www.YogaCampHouston.com to find details about his Camp in Houston, Texas in July 2008 as well as his other scheduled camps throughout the world. The site also provides links to other websites that provide more detailed information about Swami Ramdev.
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