How Does Your Blood Pressure Measure As a Diabetic?

If you are a diabetic then the pressure of your blood can be a bigger and more complicated issue, you see diabetics are more likely to suffer from high bp than non-diabetics of the same age because diabetics can get kidney disease, have increased sensitivity to salt, which is responsible for raising bp and lack the night-time fall in blood pressure than normally occurs in people without diabetes.

So add all this along with the fact that raised bp worsens all the complications of diabetes (especially diabetic kidney disease, but also eye disease, heart disease, nerve disease, peripheral arterial disease, and cerebrovascular disease), means that people who are diabetics absolutely must control their blood-pressure. It’s non-negeotiable.

Try and aim for normal with your bp. The fourth British Hypertension Society guidance, issued in 2004, recommends that patients with diabetes should have their blood pressure controlled to a level below 130/80 mmHg. Medication should be started to reduce the pressure of your blood if the systolic bp..that is the upper reading…is persistently at least 140 mmHg, or the diastolic pressure in your blood..that is the lower at least 90 mmHg.

For many years doctors considered a high diastolic pressure reading more damaging, and an any increase in that pressure was considered and treated with more importance than an elevation in the systolic upper reading. However recent studies have shown that the systolic pressure is just as important as the diastolic pressure.

Keeping the pressure of your blood under tight control is even more important for diabetics than non-diabetics. To help keep complications to a minimum, you need to look at all the lifestyle measures that can keep your bp and also your blood glucose, down. The good news is that lots of measures that help control your glucose, like exercise, avoiding obesity and a healthy diet, will help your bp too.

Keep these points in mind and hopefully you can stabilize your blood-pressure if you are diabetic.

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