How To Lower Diastolic Blood Pressure, Safely?

High blood pressure also commonly known as hypertension can be fatal if not treated. Hypertension is known for causing the hardening of the arteries and may get worst if is not addressed. What does all this have to do with a how to lower diastolic blood pressure?

One of the most important numbers in determining pressure reading is the diastolic number in the reading. It is the number at the bottom of the line when the reading is express as e.g 120/80. In this case it is 80, and the systolic number is 120. A lower diastolic blood pressure reading is preferable as the higher that number the greater the risk to developing hypertension, and becoming a victim to this silent killer is more likely.

Here are seven, safe and powerful ways to maintain a normal pressure reading.

1. Know your risk factors

Obesity due to over eating and lack of exercise Too much sodium or salt intake Habit of smoking and excessive alcohol drinking Physical and mental stress Heredity or genetics Old age

2. Always monitor

You can monitor your pressure by using a sphygmomanometer and knowing the different ranges in the reading. In the list below note the levels of they diastolic reading – the lower number. Take a close look at how both the systolic (upper number) and the diastolic (lower number) increases as the level of hypertension stages increases. Again, it is important to know how to lower diastolic blood pressure in order to minimize the risk of hypertension.

Normal – 119/79 and below Pre-Hypertension – 120-139/80-89 First stage hypertension – 140-159/90-99 Second stage hypertension -: 160/100 and above

3. Know the signs and symptoms Here are the most common signs and symptoms

Severe headaches Fatigue due to physical stress Blurry vision Chest congestion Breathing problems Heartbeat irregularities Blood in the urine

4. Maintain a proper diet

Avoid foods high in sodium, cholesterol and saturated fat Consume foods rich in potassium, calcium and vitamin c. Eat fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and wheat

5. Lose some weight

Lose weight if you are 30% above your normal weight or more Exercise regularly

6. Drug ad Natural Supplements

Use herbal treatments such as garlic, burdock or Hawthorne Use conventional treatments prescribed by doctors such as diuretics, beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers.

Finally, educate yourself; just by reading this article you have already started the process of doing that. The resource box below provides and excellent resource on hypertension and more importantly how to keep your eye on maintaining a lower diastolic blood pressure reading as indicated in the list provided above. Do not keep in the dark about this. This is the most important step to curbing this lethal silent killer, hypertension.

To your Health, live well!

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