How To Reduce High Blood Pressure And Feel Better At The Same Time

Reducing high blood pressure by making positive lifestyle changes will not only result in better blood pressure readings but will also make you feel a lot better and more energetic. When someone lives a life that is unhealthy, there’ll be little doubt as to why he or she feels unhealthy. This is true whether or not hypertension is a critical issue. Yes, there are changes you can make that will result in good blood pressure readings and in feeling better, too. In this article, we will talk about these changes.

We’ve all heard about how the body and mind worked together. Of course, when one goes around feeling tired and miserable all the time, it is unlikely his or her state of mind will be very good. By the same token, if one has an outlook on life that is not positive the result may very well be a lifestyle that leads to unhealthiness.

Instead of examining which came first the chicken or the egg, the best approach to take when one is trying to improve his or her health and general feeling of well-being, is to work on the physical and mental aspects of life at the same time. In a nutshell, it is best to be on a program where you eat well, exercise and do mental relaxation exercises all as a part of a regular routine.

I highly recommend you check with your family doctor before you go on any kind of diet or exercise program. There is no one-size-fits-all diet or exercise program that will improve everyone’s health. Therefore, it is best to have your doctor approve of anything you do relating to your health.

Here is the capsulized version of what it takes for one to have healthy blood pressure readings and feel great:

First, make sure your diet is free of fatty fast foods. These fast foods include not only high dosages of fat, but also a lot of sodium. Replace this type of eating with fresh foods. Yes, they can come from a restaurant, but you must stay away from fat and sodium laden menus.

Secondly, if your doctor allows, get some exercise! It doesn’t have to be a lot; just go for a walk four times a week.

Finally, take some time to be alone and relax. Simply close your eyes and do a series of deep breathing. You should breathe in deeply through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth. While doing so, relax your body and picture yourself as being very healthy and feeling great. Spend a few moments doing this and try to get the feel of how nice it will be to have excellent health.

Many times, people make the mistake of trying to force healthy living and without having the proper outlook it becomes too much to bear. However, when healthy living is combined with relaxation and positive thinking, everything often comes together. This is why it is best to go on a blood pressure reduction program that includes exercises for both the body and the mind.

By: Jason Falson

Jason Falson once battled with serious hypertension but now has normal BP readings. He has credited his remarkable recovery to following a few simple rules. Of course, one of these rules is following his doctor‘s orders. His Website, Blood Pressure Symptoms discusses Jason’s rules of blood pressure control. Also, learn more about the connection between hypertension and anxiety and how to control your anxiety at Stop Anxiety

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