How to Reduce High Blood Pressure

Hypertension is a disease caused by high blood pressure in the arteries. High blood pressure causes the heart to pump harder and when this happens, the arteries harden which eventually leads to atherosclerosis. To prevent this disease from getting worse, it is important to know the proper ways to reduce high blood pressure.

Hypertension is also called the “silent assassin” because it can sneak on you without any signs or warnings. There are several factors that cause the disease and they are the following below:

o Obesity due to over eating and lack of exercise

o Too much sodium or salt intake

o Habit of smoking and excessive alcohol drinking

o Physical and mental stress

o Heredity or genetics

o Old age

You can have your blood pressure checked by a nurse or a doctor using a device called sphygmomanometer. This device consists of a stethoscope, arm cuff, dial, pump, and valve. There are several different categories of high blood pressure and they are the following below:

o Normal blood pressure – 120/80 and below

o Pre-Hypertension blood pressure – 120-139/80-89

o First stage hypertension – 140-159/90-99

o Second stage hypertension – : 160/100 and above

There are no known signs and symptoms of hypertension and in fact most people with hypertension are not aware that they have it until they visit a doctor. However, people with extremely high blood pressure may experience the following below:

o Severe headaches

o Fatigue due to physical stress

o Blurry vision

o Chest congestion

o Breathing problems

o Heartbeat irregularities

o Blood in the urine

Below are several ways to reduce high blood pressure:

o Watch what you eat

Eating foods that are high in sodium, cholesterol and saturated fat contribute greatly to having high blood pressure. To reduce high blood pressure, it is best to eat foods that are high in calcium and potassium. Eating fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and wheat can help reduce high blood pressure.

o Lose weight by exercising

Studies show that most people that have hypertension are obese. If you are more than 30% above your normal weight, then you are considered an obese person. It is important to lose weight immediately by dieting and regularly exercising.

o Drug therapy

There are several types of drugs that help reduce high blood pressure like diuretics, beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers. However, you should take any medicine with caution. You can ask your physician for the proper medication for your condition.

By: Milos Pesic

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Hypertension and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Hypertension web site. For more articles and resources on Hypertension related topics, pulmonary and arterial hypertension, high blood pressure symptoms and treatments, natural remedies and much more visit his site at:=>

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