Hypertension and Sleep Apnea

Hypertension, otherwise known as high blood pressure affects millions of people worldwide. For years, some medical providers have suspected that the two interact in a tangible way. Recently, a medical study has emerged that brings supporting evidence to this claim.

A national multi-center study from 2000 confirmed a possible connection between sleep apnea and hypertension (high blood pressure) in both older and middle-aged adults. The study, found those who suffer from moderate to severe cases were at increased risk of hypertension.

The study involved more than 6,000 adult men and women age 40 or older. The presence of the sleep disorder was detected using polysomnography, which simultaneously records brain waves, heart waves, blood oxygen levels, and breathing rate while a person sleeps. A team of technicians visited each participant at home in the evening and measured blood pressure and weight, as well as other health parameters, and then connected the person to a sleep monitor. The average number of breathing pauses per hour of sleep was used to measure the degree of sleep apnea.

“As a result of this study, we now believe that sleep apnea may be one of the reasons why overweight people are at increased risk for high blood pressure,” said lead author Javier Nieto, MD, associate professor, Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. “The connection is important because high blood pressure can lead to serious adverse health consequences, including heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease.”

The results of the study showed that people with more than 30 pauses per hour of sleep were more than twice as likely to suffer from high blood pressure than those with no breathing pauses. An increased risk of high blood pressure was found even at moderate levels of sleep apnea. Since sleep apnea is more common in overweight individuals; additional statistical analysis were conducted to control for body weight and waist circumference. Even after controlling for these variables, however, sleep apnea was associated with an increased frequency of high blood pressure.

The authors of the study stressed that because sleep apnea currently goes undiagnosed in most individuals, the results emphasized the need for increased awareness of this condition by both physicians and patients. Whereas the current study measured sleep apnea and blood pressure levels at the same time, subsequent studies are being planned to look at whether changes in the sleep disorder are related to the onset of hypertension or to fluctuations in blood pressure. The authors also noted that since being overweight can cause this sleep disorder, the study’s results add new urgency to the search for ways of stopping or reversing the obesity epidemic in the United States.

The main conclusion that can be drawn is that we must take the personal responsibility to make changes to our lifestyle that can help us avoid the negative consequences that both of these conditions create. This includes changes to our lifestyle such as proper diet and exercise.

To learn more about hypertension and how it relates to sleep apnea visit sleep.apneacures.info for this and much more, including sleep apnea death.

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