Inside Natures Giants – S1 E4 – The Giraffe Part 1/5 HD

Playlist All 5 Parts Season 1 Episode 4 The Giraffe : The dissection team piece together the remarkable evolutionary story of the giraffe. For evolutionary biologist Professor Richard Dawkins the anatomy of the world’s tallest animal provides some of the best arguments in favour of Darwinian natural selection. For example, one nerve takes a huge detour up and down the long neck, from the voice box to the brain, via the chest – hardly the work of an Intelligent Designer. And, despite its length, the neck still only has seven vertebrae the same number as almost all mammals, from mice to humans and whales. The giraffe has the highest blood pressure of any animal. It has evolved thick skin that acts as a natural G-suit and a complex circulation system to avoid passing out when raising and lowering its head. Inside Nature’s Giants dissects the largest animals on the planet to uncover their evolutionary secrets. Most wildlife documentaries tell you how an animal behaves, but by dissecting the animal and studying its anatomy we can we can see how an animal works. Experts in comparative anatomy, evolution and behaviour will put some of the most popular and enigmatic large animals under the knife. Veterinary scientist, Mark Evans, will interpret their findings, biologist Simon Watts tests the animals’ physiology in the field and Richard Dawkins traces back the animals’ place on the tree of life. Please subscribe to Youtube channel WhyEvolutionIsTrue for more
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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