Is Nitric Oxide a Fat Burner?

Many people, including me, have been talking about the benefits of Nitric Oxide in fitness and weight loss. But is it right to say that it will burn fat? Or is it right to say N.O. is a fat burner? It is true in a way, but the real question is… How does Nitric Oxide help your body burn fat?

The body does manufacture its own N.O., but when diet is not balanced with nutritious whole foods and exercise, the body will always be left to struggle to maintain. The best thing to do is take a Nitric Oxide supplement to help dilate the blood vessels overriding some of those deficiencies. In fact, Nobel Prize winning Dr. Louis Ignarro said, “Optimizing N.O. production [in the body] is like giving your cardiovascular system a workout every day.”  This is the process of vasodilatation relaxing the blood vessels allowing the heart to pump more blood during exercise. N.O. will deliver more nutrients and oxygen to the muscle stimulating metabolism and fat burning.

These phenomenal results don’t make N.O. a miracle supplement, mainly because it can’t overcome a completely sedentary life style or poor diet. The real benefits and results are that it keeps the body in a place where it can get the most from a fat loss regiment and healthy diet. An increase to circulatory function and regulating blood pressure, in the end, gives muscles a proper balance of nutrients that kick starts fat loss. Delivering the best chance at peak level fat loss starts with an N.O. Supplement. Learn more at my website

Bill Baxton is the chief science writer for He specialize in Nutrition Supplements, Workout News and all things fitness. Learn more from

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