Know the CoQ10 Daily Requirements For a Healthy Life

CoQ10 daily requirement depends on many factors. It varies according to the health conditions of a person and his age. There is no one precise answer to this question. While I prefer that you consult a physician before determining the required dosage, I can give you the general information on this subject which will be of use to you.

CoQ10 is an important nutrition. It is a co-enzyme as the name suggests. We have 100 trillion cells in our body. In all the cells it is present. Now you understand the importance of this nutrition. This is the reason why many people are interested to know the CoQ10 daily requirements. For a normal healthy person, 30 to 60 mg per day is required.

Our heart beats 100,000 times a day and 350 million times a year. It requires a lot of energy. CoQ10 is important to provide that kind of energy. This is precisely the reason why nature has provided this nutrition more in and around the heart compared to any other parts of our body. There is a specific problem associated with low CoQ10 with respect to the heart. It is called diastolic heart failure. Persons having acute heart problems should have 360 mg per day.

It is reported that this enzyme is very helpful to relieve dental problems. In fact, this substance is applied topically for periodontal patients. Normally people having this ailment should have 100 to 150 mg of CoQ10 daily requirements.

CoQ10 is a fantastic antioxidant. Since it is there in all the cells in our body, it is essential for our immune system. It is seen as an important nutrition for cancer patients. Dosage range between 200 mg and 600 mg are prescribed for cancer patients.

Being a facilitator to provide energy, it is important for conversion of carbohydrates into sugar in our energy metabolism. Any deficiency of CoQ10 is likely to leave more sugar in the blood. Diabetes is the consequence. Diabetes patients should consider taking 200 mg per day.

If we look from another angle, there seems to be a simple formula. Every pound of our weight requires 0.9 mg of CoQ10. Per time intake of this nutrition should not exceed 180 mg.

Meat, poultry, fish products, broccoli, and spinach are rich in CoQ10. Any deficiency can be improved by intake of these foods. However, with this approach, you will not be able to control the CoQ10 daily requirement.

The best option is to go in for natural nutrition supplement.

Beware. One should be careful in taking any nutrition supplement.

If you pay attention to a single nutrition supplement, there is every chance of your body losing balanced nutrition availability causing other health problems.

You should go for complete planned nutrition supplement that will offer you the benefits of all the nutrition your body needs. Go for the product known as Total Balance. It has more than 70 natural herbs and salts. They are included in appropriate dosage basis research done by reputed scientists. Also, they are manufactured out of GMP compliant production facility. This product definitely ensures CoQ10 daily requirement.


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