Lean Body Diet – 3 Advanced Fat Loss Tactics

Following a lean body diet plan is the number one factor in losing fat quickly. Throughout my in-depth research during 4 years spent obtaining my doctor of pharmacy degree, I concluded that diet is responsible for about 85% of your fat loss and/or muscle building results.

Read that last sentence one more time to fully understand the impact a diet has on how your body looks. This means that the most effective fat loss workouts in the world won’t even come close to “out-training” a poor diet that is high in calories and low in quality.

Remember, whether you’re training to burn body fat or build ripped muscles, the chance of you making any significant changes are about as likely as a snowball’s chance in hell, without following the proper lean body diet.

Let’s take a look at some advanced diet tips that I teach my clients around the world.

I’ll spare you the generic weight loss diet advice that most so-called “experts” write about – you know, the hundred-year-old advice that everyone already knows by heart, like: “Never skip breakfast” or “Stay away from processed carbs.”

Instead, I’ll cut through the watered-down crap and give you some real lean body advice.

Sound good? Excellent…

Here are some diet tips that will help you accomplish your fat loss, muscle toning and body sculpting fitness goals:

Lean Body Diet Tip #1: Avoid eating meals and snacks that combine carbohydrates with fat. Carbs cause an insulin spike and if you aren’t going to be expending energy any time soon, the fat consumed with the carbs now has a good chance of being stored as body fat (unfortunately, insulin is pretty darn good at storing fat).

Lean Body Diet Tip #2: Instead of going low-carb or no-carb, simply eat the majority of your carbs either at breakfast or within 90 minutes of your workouts. By eating less calories from carbs at more sedentary times of the day and switching this to times where your body can actually burn the carbs for energy, you’ll put a stop to fat storage.

You can actually get away with minor indulgences in your favorite sweets, when eaten right before, or immediately after your workouts (the sugars will be used to fuel your workouts or help start the muscle repair process, depending on whether you eat them before or after working out).

Lean Body Diet Tip #3: Mix it up already. Don’t eat clean, healthy, low-calorie food options day in and day out, week after week. This is a recipe for fat loss failure (pun intended). Our bodies are way too smart for this and will start working against us to hold on to those precious fat stores.

Outsmart your body by strategically using a high-calorie cheat day for about 10 hours straight, one day per week. Tear through stubborn belly fat by following this cheat day up with a 24-hour fast.

Because metabolism will be “recharged” thanks to the cheat day, we can create a substantial calorie deficit the very next day and thus promote rapid fat loss.

There you have it – three not-so-generic lean body diet strategies that’ll turn you into a fat loss machine, without stripping lean muscle mass. Try implementing these advanced diet tips to step your weight loss game up and build a sculpted physique in less time.

More extreme fat loss articles and videos can be enjoyed at Dr. Brad Campbell’s popular blog, TopFatLossTrainer:Lean Body Motivation Get a ripped body with proper mindsetRipped Body Challenge Workout Achieve extreme fat loss with this workout

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