Learn How to Lose Belly Fat and Get Lean

For many people who go on a weight control diet, the change to healthy food choices is not enough to be able to lose fat and get fit. So what is the best way to lose belly fat and get lean?

How to lose weight quickly

First, ditch the totally unrealistic “desperate to lose weight fast” mentality. Do not entertain for a moment undertaking a crash diet for instant gratification. Crash diets do not work and they damage your physical and emotional health.

Quickly is a matter of weeks and months, not days if you are serious about permanent weight loss especially in relation to belly fat. The sooner you can accept this, the quicker you are going to get lean.

How to lose weight tips

There are only 2 things you need to do to burn fat. Simply combine a sensible nutritious diet with the best type of exercise for how to lose weight quickly and you will slim down and tone up.

The best way to lose belly fat and get lean

You have to get walking. Brisk walking will tone you up all over. You will lose excess fat, most notably you will lose belly fat if you get serious about walking. But be patient. Remember the key to how to lose weight quickly is being realistic about what “quickly” can be.

If you want a set of 6 pack abs, then you have to do some regular resistance training (2-3 days per week) and embrace a lean and mean but healthy diet. But your basic exercise to lose belly fat is to keep on walking (4-6 days per week).

What’s so good about walking?

Walking requires no special training or coaching Walking is easy to incorporate into a daily routine. Apart from a supportive pair of shoes, walking requires no special or expensive equipment

If you only have time for a 20minute workout, you can increase the intensity by hitting the hills or the steps (take 2 steps at a time to perk up sagging glutes). Just walk faster to burn more fat.

You will get lean. It’s that simple.

Rosie Peters gives straightforward, common sense advice, encouragement and tips for weight loss, sensible diet and lifelong fitness. Sometimes it’s not what you want to hear, but it’s what you need to know. Visit Rosie for more exercise tips or pick up a FREE copy of her popular E-Book Lose Fat Be Fit [http://allcentralonline.com.au/index.php?p=1_1].

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