Liquid Minerals – Can They Help You Achieve Optimal Wellbeing & Avoid Chronic Degenerative Diseases?

I have found that Liquid Minerals have made a big difference for many people but first let me give you a little background.

While going through medical school I had what I would call a series of ‘awakenings’. Following these I left medicine in 1979 to explore the idea that health was basically an inside job, that your mind was the crucial factor in whether you lived a healthy life or had all manner of diseases. Healthy mind = healthy body.

Over the next 12 years I was to have plenty of experiences that validated that idea. From as mundane as my own healing of persistent conjunctivitis with a simple but personally meaningful thought, to the more profound ones like a client of ours healing her own breast cancer after reliving the memory of her husband dying in a tractor accident. She was breastfeeding her baby at the time her husband died and the cancer had surfaced when that baby became the same age as she was when her husband died. Amazing how the mind works.

But amazing as the mind is it took another experience of mine to prove to me that health and wellness was not all in the mind. In 1990 a friend introduced me to some Chinese herbal food products. I had such a remarkable response to these products that I had to seriously question my contention that “all disease begins in the mind”.

I had clarity of thought and feeling that I had never before experienced. Along with that I no longer craved certain foods like I used to, that I knew were not good for me (dairy gave me a runny nose and blocked sinuses) and I became more sensitive and aware of other reactions my body was having to foods, such as wheat, that led to stomach bloating, that I had not been able to identify before.

It was an exciting time as I had a completely new level of wellbeing than I had ever had before. Life was good until between 1994 and 1998 when the products had a 500% price increase and what I was spending $7NZD a day on, now became $35NZD per day and I simply couldn’t afford them.

Over the next two years my health slipped backwards and I gained weight even though I was eating more healthily than ever with good quality organic food but none, of what had now become obvious, of the all-important supplements.

Liquid Minerals To The Rescue

Help came from another friend in October 2000, in the form of a Liquid Mineral drink. At a 10th of the price my body-mind bounced back to the levels of energy and wellbeing I had enjoyed before.

I had never really paid attention to minerals so it was a surprise for me to feel such an impact from them. But life is like that. It is often the little things that make the biggest differences.

Linus Pauling (two times Nobel Prize winner) is often quoted as saying: “Every ailment, every sickness and every disease can be traced back to an organic mineral deficiency.”

I know that sounds as one eyed as my earlier statement “All illness begins in the mind”? But instead of being mutually exclusive, with age and experience I have come to appreciate both have value, the mind does have a lot to do with our health and well being and so does what we nourish our bodies with and what important elements are missing in our foods. It is indeed about finding balance in a few crucial areas in our lives.

One of the people that I discovered was promoting the liquid mineral drink I was introduced to was Dr William Saccoman MD, who not surprisingly worked on one of Linus Pauling’s teams. In his San Diego Preventative Medical Clinic he had over 18,000 patients on it with no contraindications.

William was very clear that minerals from a live whole food source in a liquid form were better for you than minerals that came from the ground or sea that were in an isolated pill or liquid colloidal form. (colloidal means particles in solution).

There is a common sense reason for this. Plants incorporate minerals into their structure and we are designed to eat plants and get minerals from them or from the animals that eat the plants. William used the words ‘organic’ mineral versus ‘inorganic’ mineral to describe the difference between minerals that come to us through plants to minerals that come direct from soils or in colloidal solutions.

When all is said and done it is still the ideal to get your nutrients from food rather than from a bottle of supplements.

The major problem with plant minerals is that due to soil depletion and modern farming practices their mineral complement is markedly reduced compared with what they used to be. According to the 1992 Earth Summit, in the past 100 years North American soils have been depleted of minerals by 85% and as a result 99% of American’s are deficient. Given that Harvard’s Jim Rhoads has said that in 1997 it would take 43 bowls of spinach compared to 1 bowl in 1953 just to get the same amount of iron, it’s not hard to imagine why.

The Liquid Mineral Solution

There is a solution though. Over the years, minerals from the land have leached into the ocean and thankfully been absorbed by sea vegetables which have become the richest plant source of trace and ultra trace minerals on the planet. This is why the Liquid Mineral drink that William Saccoman promoted has as its base, plants from the sea.

The high sea vegetable intake in the Japanese diet is thought to be one of the reasons why the Japanese have the least incidence of chronic degenerative disease on the planet.

Combine this with recent evidence from JAMA (the Journal of the American Medical Association) and the BMJ (British Medical Journal) that have both concluded: “If you do not supplement your diet today you are GUARANTEED to get a chronic degenerative disease (ie. heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis etc.) later in life”, and you will hopefully start to get some sense of the importance of supplementing your diet and especially with plants from the sea that are rich in organic minerals.

Of course it’s an added bonus to find them in a form that tastes good too. Now you know about it don’t delay in getting started on your daily intake of Liquid Minerals.

Try some of the Liquid Mineral drink that Dr Saccoman recommended and that my family and I have been enjoying for 10 years. You will even find a free bottle offer at:

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