Lower Blood Pressure Fast (Secret Tips and Tricks)

Hypertension prevention is possible with the right measures put into place. People do try a lot of drugs and medication to combat their problems, these tips are drug-free and I highly recommend them. I have compiled a list of the most effective and easiest changeable factors that can lower blood pressure fast. These methods vary from person to person but yield great results if the patient follows through.

o Reduce daily intake of salt (sodium). Many people do not realize how harmful salt can be to hypertension. If a patient discontinues the intake of salt it can hinder blood pressure from increasing and in 33% of the cases actually decrease blood pressure! This is such a simple and easy step towards combating hypertension.

o Increase calcium in your daily diet. This will enable your body to increase potassium intake, which will theoretically neutralize a degree of sodium in your body and act on the kidney to decrease blood pressure.

o Reducing Stress. This can greatly help but can be difficult for some patients to maintain, however If a massive stress reduction occurs this will lower blood pressure fast in the patient. This can be achieved through relaxation therapy, meditation or simply relaxing hobbies the patient enjoys. Unbeknown to the majority of sufferers, high stress will agitate their condition and in some cases make it severely worse.

Thus to begin combat against hypertension these lifestyle changes will benefit greatly. Just give these tricks a try and you will see changes. If you require more information, read my other articles or visit my blog, the address is bellow. Stay healthy and good luck,

Charles Gerdson

Charles is passionate about health and helping other people achieve their goals. Discover a natural way to lower blood pressure and improve your lifestyle today. For more information visit http://www.squidoo.com/naturalwaytolowerbloodpressure

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