Lower Your Blood Pressure Readings Naturally to Maintain Better Diabetic Health

Many diabetics are informed they must work on lowering their blood pressure as it is one of the common signs of diabetes.

Although high blood pressure is a silent disease, meaning there really is no overt symptoms most patients can explain what the problem is, a simple test at your doctor’s office can tell you within minutes if your body’s circulatory system is creating problems with your heart.

Often, your doctor’s first choice of treatment is another prescription drug which is taken daily by the patient. Along with the major monthly expense of the meds, there is also a host of side effects with most of these medications.

Can Blood Pressure Be Reduced By Natural Therapies

Actually there is quite a few things you as the patient can incorporate into your life to help reduce your blood pressure. Some of these are so easy many don’t understand how they can be effective at blood pressure control.

add fresh garlic daily to your meals and cooking squeeze on a rubber ball 2 to 3 times daily for a few minutes each time. The squeeze–release–squeeze action has been proven to dilate the blood vessels which allow greater and faster blood flow thus reducing your blood pressure reduce your salt intake daily to ideally around 1500mg but no more than 2000mg. Read ingredient labels and check sodium levels per serving size to keep this running count for each day. Also, stop using salt at the table and in cooking. Rely more on spices without salt for flavorings. savor a 1 oz piece of dark chocolate 3 times per week. Your chocolate selection must have a minimum 70% cacao content or higher for health benefits. Otherwise all you have achieved over time is more weight gain. limit your daily alcohol consumption to one drink for women and 2 drinks for men adopt a pet from the local animal shelter. The time, care and compassion you give and receive from another living breathing being opens your heart and emotions to pure love which ultimately will relax you thus lowering your blood pressure.

Although some of these suggestions do not come anywhere close to sounding like a medicinal treatment, remember environmental factors and your emotions can both precipitate a healing environment.

About Author
Being a member of a family of severe diabetics, I have tried options from both conventional and alternative medicine to help me live a longer healthier life. For information and many other natural alternatives please visit my site at http://www.allergy-and-diabetic-health.com/natural-ways-to-lower-bloodpressure.html

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