Major Risk Factors Of Hypertension

The risk factors of hypertension have a lot to do with race, sex age and family history. The black race has the highest incidence of hypertension than any other race. As of the age factor, the risk of hypertension increases with the advancement in age. Also, there are more recorded cases of hypertension in men than women under the ages of 60 years, but after this age, the reverse is usually the case. Family history shows that hypertension runs in some families. There are other risk factors, though, these are controllable, and they include obesity and inactivity. When there is an increase in weight, an increase in blood supply will be needed to supply oxygen and other nutrients to tissues, and this in turn, increases pressure on the walls of the arteries. Also, the fat deposits produce chemicals that are not healthy to the heart and blood vessels. Smoking is another risk factor of hypertension. It leads to the damage of the walls of the arteries, and this causes cholesterol plague formation, and also, the nicotine found in cigarettes may constrict blood vessels, thereby creating a greater resistance against the heart pumping action.

Alcohol consumed excessively over the years may damage the heart. Stress can equally lead to temporary high blood pressure, and this in turn encourages habits like smoking, drinking alcohol and overeating, which are established factors that leads to hypertension. Sodium sensitivity pre-disposes individuals to fluid retention, so, salt should be used sparingly, and inadequate intake of salt leads to sodium retention.

High blood pressure is usually detected during routine blood check, but a single reading is not enough to confirm the presence of hypertension. An individual is confirmed to be hypertensive after two or more blood pressure tests are carried out and the readings are high, and these tests must be carried out in weeks or even months apart. In the past, Doctors used to focus on high diastolic pressure leading to end organ damage, but of recent, it has been appreciated that high systolic pressure is equally important.

Some of the complication which may arise as a result of high blood pressure includes damage to the arteries, thickening of the left ventricle of the heart, stroke, kidney failure, blindness and metabolic syndrome. Uncontrolled hypertension may affect the memory, the ability to learn, and the ability to think. In addition, hypertension may lead to dementia and cognitive decline.


Treatment of hypertension is aimed at preventing complications associated with high blood pressure. This includes use of medications and alternations in certain life style choices. A blood pressure reading below 149/90 mmHg is usually the aim, but with in-patients with kidney disease or diabetes, the aim should be a pressure below 130/80mmHg. Medications used for the treatment of hypertension include Diuretics which act on the kidney to encourage elimination of sodium and water, thus reducing blood volume.

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