Minerals Your Body Needs to Know

There are seven major minerals required by every body. Do you know what they are, and are you getting enough? The seven major minerals are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, potassium, and chloride. While discussing all of these minerals in detail is beyond the scope of this article, there is room to discuss a number of them in some detail. Let’s start with calcium.

Gnashing of Teeth, and Gnawing of Bones

Most of the calcium stored in our bodies, is contained within our teeth and bones. The average adult body is made up of about three pounds of calcium. But it does more then just chew our food and help us keep our shape. It works at the cellular level by regulating the water flow in and out of our cells. This is quite important, because the transfer of water, is how cells communicate with one another. Kind of like the internet of the cellular world. Caclium also helps in the movement of muscles, the absence of muscle cramping, controlling high blood pressure, lowering blood pressure in newborns, and possibly reducing the risk of rectal and colon cancer. Plenty of calcium can be found in milk and other dairy products, and to a lesser degree in the dark, green, leafy variety of vegetables.

Phosphorus Flash

Good teeth and bones are helped by a good supply of phosphorus. It also helps at the genetic level. Phosphorus plays a key role in the transmission of your genetic code from cell to cell when your cells are dividing. It also helps in other areas, but not limited to preventing your blood from becoming too acidic or too alkaline. Carbohydrates are metabolized, proteins are synthesized, and fats are moved to and fro tissues and organs, all with the generous help of phosphorus. Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and milk are your bigcontributors when it comes to phosphorus. Grains, nuts, and seeds pitch in here as well.

Mighty Magnesium

Once again, your bones will benefit by a healthy does of magnesium in your body. Starting to see a pattern here huh? Like our two previous minerals, magnesium helps at the cellular and genetic level my moving nutrients, and messages between cells. It also helps in passing of the genes andchromosomes which make up our genetic code when cells divide. Bananas, vegetables, seeds, nuts, beans are all wonderful sources of magnesium.

While there are other minerals, this should be enough to get you started on a healthier you mineral wise. For more information, check out the links below, to learn more about maintaining a health body.

Read more great information on your vitamins and anti aging vitamins.

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