Natural Ways to Reduce Your Blood Pressure

Research has shown that Hypertension, high blood pressure, is found almost entirely in the developed countries and not in remote areas of the world.? It would appear that it is closely associated with the “Western Diet” as people living in the remote areas of China and Africa show very little evidence of hypertension even in old age.? If however these people move to a more industrialized area, the incidences of hypertension increased.? This would indicate that dietary changes and increased body mass bring about this increased risk.

Whilst genetic factors and stress can increase the risk of hypertension, it seems that the main culprit?is a diet high in animal fats and salt, particularly if the diet is low in potassium and magnesium as well as high in sodium.? Obesity and nutritional deficiencies greatly increase the risk of developing high blood pressure.

Surprisingly, cutting out the salt that we add at the table does not significantly reduce our salt intake as this accounts for only about 5%.? The real culprit is the salt added during the processing of food as this makes up about 75% of our sodium intake.? If you eat a fast food meal, a pizza or even a bowl of cereal for breakfast and a sandwich for lunch, you are consuming about a teaspoon of salt!? It is advisable to reduce your salt intake by not adding salt at the table and reducing your intake of processed foods.

It would seem that as a generalization, fat people have higher blood pressure.? There would appear to be a link between a high body mass index (BMI) and high blood pressure.? Thankfully, weight loss does reduce blood pressure generally at a rate of 1 mm Hg per kilo reduction of body weight.

A study in the 1980’s showed that on the island of Crete over a ten-year period there were no deaths reported that were caused by heart attacks.? Experts say that the Mediterranean diet, rich in monounsaturated fat (olive oil) and antioxidants is the reason for this.? The diet is low in saturated fats, high in fibre and antioxidants from fresh fruits and vegetables and also high in the essential fatty acids, found in fish.? Olive oil, which is also widely used, is said by experts to be the healthiest of oils so just in these few natural ways, you can reduce your blood pressure.

Lifestyle changes should also be made to reduce blood pressure and these changes should also be maintained to keep your blood pressure low in the long term.? Obviously smoking should be avoided or at least moderated and alcohol should be kept to a minimum. The other factors that need to be addressed are exercise and stress as regular exercise and a reduced stress level can lower blood pressure.?

So just by these few natural remedies you can reduce your risk of hypertension.

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