Omega 3 Fish Oils and Retina Health – Improve Your Vision and Protect Your Eyesight

There’s no doubt about it, the link between omega 3 fish oils and retina health has been firmly established. Find out how these natural oils can help to preserve your eyesight and provide many other important health benefits.

It is in fact a type of omega 3 fatty acid known as DHA that provides the benefits. This fat is a major structural component of the eye membranes and responsible for maintaining their thickness and fluidity.

It is essential for maintaining the correct functioning of the photoreceptor cells and helps to protect them from the sun’s strong UV rays.

The US National Eye Institute says that omega 3 reduces the risk of age related blindness by over 30% in a recent study and found that it helps the eyes by acting as an anti-inflammatory.

An English study had similar results, reporting that taking daily fish oils helps to slow down or even stop age related eye disease (AMD).

These types of eye condition are increasingly common and affect mainly the over 55’s. Part of the reason is the decreasing consumption of fish because of the toxic load they carry and the fact that the body cannot make them, so they must come from the diet.

Of course it is not only your eyes these polyunsaturated fats can help with. They can cut your risk of a premature heart attack by up to 40%, lower high blood pressure, help to boost your immune system and promote good brain health.

You will find that not only does your vision improve but that you are able to think more clearly and have a better memory.

How to find the best oils for the maximum benefits

It goes without saying that you should look for fish oils that are rich in DHA omega 3 fats. The best ratio is 2:1 DHA to EPA. Many supplements have this the other way round as EPA is cheaper to use and easier to source.

I would recommend you get at least 270mg of DHA in each 1000mg capsule. Check out the company’s website or the bottle label to see the individual levels.

Some companies also offer premium oils that have added antioxidants like astaxanthin. As well as being beneficial to the skin, helping to reverse aging, this antioxidant has also been shown to reduce eyestrain and improve visual function.

If you are serious about protecting your vision in the future or want to naturally reduce the symptoms of an existing condition, selecting the right omega 3 fish oils will have a very positive impact.

If you would like to learn more about the pure DHA fish oil supplements I personally take, visit my website below.

Discover the purest and most effective omega 3 fish oil available today.Rich Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of the amazing health benefits of quality fish oil. Take a moment to visit his site now at and discover the latest DHA omega 3 supplements that he recommends after extensive research.

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