Secret Natural Hypertension Treatments

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension has earned the title the silent killer. Hypertension is one of the most common chronic conditions in the United States today. It’s not only a very dangerous condition by itself, but the drugs prescribed to treat this condition also compound the dangers, because of the unwanted side effects. The exorbitant cost of these drug treatments is also crippling to many patients as well. Incredibly, most of the natural hypertension treatments are much safer and less expensive than traditional prescription drug therapies.

The definition of hypertension is a systolic or top number reading of 140mmhg. Or higher, and a diastolic or bottom number, reading of 90mmhg. Or higher. It is very interesting that in the past. A rating considered high blood pressure was 160/95. The standard for hypertension, being reduced is perhaps due to the monetary contributions to the FDA made by the drug companies. This may also explain the reason many natural remedies are not publicized.

Well, here are a few great natural hypertension treatments:

Apple cider vinegar- This is a miraculous treatment for high blood pressure. Apple cider vinegar works very fast, and you will begin seeing a change in your blood pressure, within a week. No other medication is necessary, while using apple cider vinegar. The normal dosage is 1 tablespoon three times a day. If the taste is too strong you can mix it with water. It is advisable to buy an unpasteurized version of apple cider vinegar brand.

Garlic is also a great treatment for high blood pressure. Garlic has been shown to reduced blood pressure by 10 to 15%. You can eat garlic by itself or with your food. It is a good idea fresh clove garlic, because the raw form seems to work best.

Cayenne pepper is another good treatment for high blood pressure. It is cheap. Fast and very effective. The best way to use cayenne pepper is mixed. 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of cayenne pepper. Boil them with a glass of water, and then drink it while it is warm. It is best to use organic cayenne pepper, and all natural honey.

These are just a few good secret  natural hypertension treatments for much more information check out our site at www.NATURALHYPERTENSIONREMEDIES.INFO also my lenses links are below.

Take charge of your health and educate yourself on treatment options now.

Many people are being forced into paying the extreme costs of prescription drugs in this country and also suffering from the horrible side effects of these drugs, when there are better simpler, much safer and less expensive alternatives available. All of this is because of the greed of doctors and drug companies. Please educate yourself and take charge of your own health!Check out my lenses for more free info.

About Cure HBP

Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications