the effects of amphetamine for ADHD on the body / heart and mind (including ECG)

in this video, i am taking about 11mg of amphetamine, which i was prescribed for ADHD. this drug is similar to ritalin (both are stimulants), but it’s still pretty different after all… i will be measuring my blood glucose levels, body temperature, electro cardiogram, heart rate, blood pressure, lung function… and of course concentration as […]

Free Tai Chi Lessons – Long Form Instructional for Health

Tai Chi has been shown to lower high blood pressure; boost the immune system resistence to viral infection by 50%; reduce depression, anxiety, ADHD, and help treat heart failure and type 2 diabetes . . . this Tai Chi lesson can help you understand how Tai Chi works, and how WorldTaiChiDay’s free resources can help […]

Natural Alternatives to Treating ADHD

First always consult your doctor before giving any medication whatsoever. All medications have side effects and only your physician is qualified to prescribe medicines and treatments and to recommend dietary changes. We do not recommend any medications nor condone any treatments – only your doctor is qualified to do that. Parents who have children with […]

Vitamins For ADHD Kids – Can They Really Help?

Vitamins for ADHD kids are going to play a key role in any healthy balanced nutritious diet. Processed foods lack certain vitamins or they do not even come near the RDA (Recommended Daily Amount). They have plenty of colourings and additives which are harmful and now there is a movement to ban them from kids’ […]

Involve Vitamins and Minerals in Nutrition For Keeping Your Brain Sharp

The body, and the brain, needs a wide variety of vitamins and mineral to grow and to thrive. Deficiencies in certain minerals can therefore be potentially disastrous in the sense that the body cannot properly fulfill a particular function. Specific vitamins and minerals are necessary for best functioning of brain as a controller of our […]

Minerals and Vitamins For ADHD – Are They Helpful in Treating ADHD?

Perhaps you have heard or have read on the many available resources on the Internet that children who suffer from the symptoms of ADHD are often discovered to have a deficiency of essential minerals in the body. For this reason, many believe that giving ADHD children vitamins and minerals would help in alleviating the symptoms. […]

Omega 3 ADHD Study – Discover the Benefits of Omega 3 Fish Oils

Are you interested in reading about an omega 3 ADHD study? There have been a lot of studies done on ADHD and fish oils. They have shown that omega-3 fish oils can help ADHD sufferers by relieving hyperactivity and improving attention. One omega 3 ADHD study says that EPA is important in relieving the ADHD […]