Holistic High Blood Pressure Treatment – A Natural Remedy For Hypertension

It is extremely unfortunate that more and more Americans are diagnosed and suffer from High Blood Pressure. This is mainly due to the unhealthy lifestyles of Americans. Americans have become dangerously addicted to processed foods, they restrain from implementing physical activity within the daily routine and perhaps becoming more obese. To combat the ultimate symptoms […]

Do You Know Causes of Hypertension?

The sustained elevation in your blood pressure can be caused by many factors these factors will be discussed in pharmacy online. These causes c may be, psychological or environmental factors. According to the factors that cause elevation in blood pressures, hypertension may be of the following types. ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION Most of the hypertensive population seems […]

Hypertension, the Silent Killer

What is Hypertension? Hypertension is sustained rise in blood pressure or an elevation of the blood pressure. There are various causes. But the disease is generally divided into primary and secondary hypertension. In primary hypertension, there is no known cause. This condition is also called essential hypertension. There is no major cause of this hypertension. […]

Fighting Hypertension – The Natural Way

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is one of the most common ailments in today’s world. In hypertension, the blood pressure of a person becomes chronically elevated, a condition which may be responsible for causing strokes, heart attacks, heart failure and chronic renal failure. Even a mild case of hypertension can have a lasting effect on […]

How To Reduce Hypertension Without Medication – This Is How To Treat High Blood Pressure!

What is hypertension? Hypertension is an abnormal increase in blood pressure that affects 63 million Americans. Blood pressure is the force that the blood exerts against the walls of the vessels. Its values may rise temporarily after very intense physical activity or emotional stress, but after a while they return back to normal levels. The […]

Hypertension Prevention and Some Natural Treatment

Hypertension is a chronic condition that can cause coronary heart disease, stroke and other vascular complications. It is the most common cardiovascular disorder. It is one of the major risk factor for cardiovascular mortality, which accounts for 20-50% of all cardiovascular deaths. Types of Hypertension Hypertension is divided into primary and secondary categories. Hypertension is […]

Hypertension – Natural Remedies

Make sure you get plenty of plant foods in your diet. It should contain less saturated fat and refined carbohydrates, and more potassium, complex carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and essential fatty acids. Either fish oil supplements or flaxseed oil (both rich in omega-3 fatty acids) are very effective in lowering blood pressure. There […]