Hypertension Prevention and Some Natural Treatment

Hypertension is a chronic condition that can cause coronary heart disease, stroke and other vascular complications. It is the most common cardiovascular disorder. It is one of the major risk factor for cardiovascular mortality, which accounts for 20-50% of all cardiovascular deaths.

Types of Hypertension

Hypertension is divided into primary and secondary categories. Hypertension is classified as primary when the causes are generally unknown. Primary hypertension is the most prevalent form of hypertension accounting for 90% of all cases of hypertension. Hypertension is classified as secondary when some other disease process or abnormality is causing it. Prominent among these are diseases of kidney, tumors of the adrenal glands, congenital narrowing of aorta and toxemias of pregnancy.

Risk Factors

Lack of physical activity, use of oral contraceptives, smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, consumption of saturated fat, stress, obesity, age and hereditary are some important risk factors and causes for hypertension.

Signs and symptoms

Frequent headache, pounding of heart and shortness of breath after mild exercise, weakness, dizziness and occasional pain in the chest and left shoulder are indications of hypertension.


Hypertension increases the work load of heart, weakens the walls of blood vessels and accelerates the hardening of the arteries and the formation of fatty, atherosclerotic deposits inside the blood vessels.

Prevention and control

NUTRITION: Dietary changes are of paramount importance. These comprise:

-reduction of salt intake to an average of not more than 5 g per day
– moderate fat intake
– avoid high alcohol intake.

WEIGHT REDUCTION: The prevention and correction of obesity (Body Mass Index greater than 25) is a great way of reducing risk of hypertension and indirectly congestive heart disease.

EXERCISE: Regular physical activity leads to a fall in body weight, blood lipids and blood pressure.

LIFESTYLE: reduction of stress and smoking, modification of personal life-style, yoga and prayer could be very helpful.

TREATMENT: blood pressure can be controlled through many supplements, vitamins, and herbs.

Studies have shown that people whose blood pressure is controlled are less likely to suffer from cardio-vascular diseases than those whose blood pressure is not controlled.

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