What Are Vitamins and Minerals and What Do They Do?

Vitamins and minerals are essential substances that the human body requires in order to exist and survive and plays a vital role in maintaining health. They have important roles in keeping the body functioning properly and maintaining good health, particularly in this modern society where most foods are either processed or over-cooked and contains lots […]

What is Nitric Oxide and Why Does the Body Need It?

Nitric oxide is a molecule produced by the body to aid in vascular function. This molecule causes blood vessels to expand. Once expanded, blood vessels can function at higher levels. When the blood vessel diameter is increased blood will flow at higher amounts to deliver oxygen and other nutrients to your muscles and skeletal system. […]

Diseases Caused By High Blood Pressure

There are three main diseases caused by high blood pressure. They are each life threatening and they may or may not have any symptoms other than you having high blood pressure. Many drug stores and grocery stories have blood pressure monitoring machines available to the general public for free. You should check you blood pressure […]