How You Can Control Your Blood Sugar?

Excess sugar and stress are the two main cause of diabetes. This excess sugar causes the pancreas to secrete high levels of insulin. Insulin removes this excess sugar out of the bloodstream, converts it to fat and stores it in fat cells.

What’s the cause of insulin resistance?

Insulin becomes less efficient to process sugar due to increase in fat cell. This triggers insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes. Pancreas ability to secrete natural insulin hampers in this case.

Source of Glucose

Source of glucose is carbohydrates. Fruits and vegetables are the best source of sugar because these are natural fructose sugars.

Threat from sucrose

Man made foods such as candies, soft drinks, breads, processed meats, pastries have high sugar and these are dangerous. These foods enter straight into the blood stream and increase sugar level immediately.

Glucose that is not immediately burned for energy, stored as fat in fat cells by Insulin. In the process, blood sugar begins to drop and you started feeling hungry.

Solution to maintain your blood sugar

First recommendation is to eat carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans, which digest more slowly.

Proper diet increases blood sugar slowly and glucose is available as energy for several hours. Benefit is glucose is not needed to rush in to turn the sugar into fat.

Blood sugar level stays even and excess sugar does not have to be stored as fat; you don’t feel hungry just a few hours after eating. Added benefit is some carbohydrates contain nutrients such as fiber, which also help you lose and control weight, and remove waste from your colon.

Most Important point to remember to control blood sugar

Proper diet and moderate exercise is must to remain healthy. Junk food skyrockets your blood sugar. Unfortunately, this is often overlooked in diet plans.

Millions are people are suffering from diabetes and cholesterol across the globe. I too was suffering from cholesterol and hypertension for last few years. I was sick and tired of living on medicine, finally I decided to look for alternative medicine. Finally, I managed to reduce my blood sugar, hypertension with those simple techniques within 63 days. If you are suffering from high blood pressure and interested to manage it, visit the link on managing hypertension in natural process. Are you one of those 30% who don’t know they have the diabetes? is the most recent and popular article on diabetes published by the author of this article.

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