Dr Paul Clayton -High blood pressure REDUCE it FAST

www.drpaulclayton.com Dr Paul Clayton is asked ”High Blood Pressure – can I reduce it ?”Information on life style and diet. This is part of a 2 hour question and answer session recorded with Dr Paul Clayton Phd in October 2008. More to be added to Youtube soon. Visit Dr Paul Clayton at: www.drpaulclayton.com Here you […]

Alternative Foods As a Health Medicine

Super foods are nutritional powerhouses high in phytonutrients-chemicals that occur naturally in food. They protect against diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and hypertension. Super Foods are pound for pound the most nutrient dense substances on the planet, and here’s the proof straight from the pages of the Super Foods book . Super foods […]

Elidel and Protopic? Natural Alternatives to Treat Eczema

As I was couch bound one evening, a ‘cute’ commerical for an eczema drug appeared. It stated that it treated eczema and that there was no cure for eczema. Needless to say, as a naturopathic medical student, I was furious. There is a cure for eczema. It is called prevention. But that is another issue. […]

Ganoderma Lucidum – The Healthiest Herb Known To Mankind

tube.mlmdownlinemaster.com Pharmalogical research shows that Ganoderma Lucidum herb has a calming and sedative effect on nervous system. It is particularly effective in the treatment of neuralgia and insomnia. In addition, this herb for nerves can also help you to improve sleep and appetite enhances vital energy improves memory and regain vitality All these with no […]

What Are Important Vitamins For Seniors

Seniors are less active and are at a much greater risk of having nutritional deficiencies. They tend to not eat as much calories and they take more prescription drugs then the general population. This in turn means that they are getting less nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals as younger people. The most important vitamins […]

1.7 Death to Diabetes (Reverse/Cure T2 Diabetes) Beat, Reverse, Cure Type 2 Diabetes

www.deathtodiabetes.com Death to Diabetes lecture [Segment 1.7-1.8, Topics: BG levels, Blood tests, Denial, Drug weaning] by DeWayne McCulley to diabetes/cancer group; attended by daughter Cynthia McCulley. Topics for this segment: the power of frequent BG testing/data, denial from doctors Pennsylvania State graduate, Xerox engineer, Hughes Aircraft, Urban League math tutor, Eta Kappa Nu honor society, […]

Cholesterol and Health – Dr Paul Clayton

www.drpaulclayton.com Dr Paul Clayton is asked ”High Cholesterol -does this mean Heart Disease risk? Visit Dr Paul Clayton at: www.drpaulclayton.comInformation on life style and diet. This is part of a 2 hour question and answer session recorded with Dr Paul Clayton Phd in October 2008. More to be added to Youtube soon. Here you will […]


[I swear] by the fig and the olive. (Qur’an, 95:1) The reference to the fig in the first verse of Surat at-Tin is a most wise one in terms of the benefits imparted by this fruit. The Benefits of the Fig for Human Beings Figs have a higher fibre level than any other fruit or […]

Reverse Your High Blood Pressure To Normal

Hey, do you know that untreated high blood pressure can damage your cerebral tissues, which can cause you convulsions, ataxia or impaired speech among other terrible diseases? High blood pressure can also rapture tiny blood vessels and cause brain haemorrhage. High blood pressure usually results from lifestyle: ingesting lots of cholesterol and carbohydrate through wrong […]

Cancer Curing Cannabis Oil: How Much MARIJUANA Should I Ingest?

Daily News @ RevolutionNews.US ~ Hemp Oil Dosage Information… It takes the average person about 90 days to ingest the full 60 gram treatment. I suggest that people start with 3 doses per day about half the size of a grain of dry rice. A dose such as this would equal about ΒΌ of a […]