Hypertension and High Cholesterol

High cholesterol and hypertension are two different things, but they often come together with disastrous consequences. Stroke, heart attack and an assortment of other coronary heart and artery diseases can be caused by high blood pressure resulting from high cholesterol levels. Unfortunately, the most common diet and exercise life style maintained by people in the […]

Low Blood Pressure Readings – Should You Be Concerned?

Ironically enough, it seems as though everyone has heard about high blood pressure, but not many are familiar with low blood pressure. If you’ve recently been for a health checkup and you’ve had low hypertension readings then it’s advisable that you familiarize yourself with the condition, which is also known as hypo-tension. Low blood pressure […]

CoQ10 Benefits For Hypertension – CoQ10 Can Help Manage High Blood Pressure

Studies are showing that among CoQ10’s most valuable benefits is its ability to help regulate high blood pressure, one of the most common and most deadly disorders among adults. More than one in four adults has hypertension, and every year it is a contributing cause of hundreds of thousands of deaths. Uncontrolled, it can lead […]

Useful Information About Hypertension

Hypertension is the medical term for a condition in which the arterial blood pressure is consistently above the normal range. A blood pressure reading consists of two numbers. The number at the top represents systolic pressure. This is the amount of pressure that the heart generates when pumping blood out through the arteries. The number […]

Diastolic High Blood Pressure Taken Seriously

For blood pressure patients who wonder what those numbers mean when getting BPs, here is an explanation. Two figures are observed when taking blood pressures (e.g. 140/90). 140 stands for systolic pressure, 90 is the diastolic pressure. A normal systolic pressure should not exceed 140, and a normal diastolic pressure is no more than 90. […]